Recent content by Jeanniejayne53

  1. Jeanniejayne53

    Experienced small flock owner

    Experienced small flock owner
  2. Jeanniejayne53

    Good to be back to BYC. How this site has grown is amazing and wonderful! Surely one of the best...

    Good to be back to BYC. How this site has grown is amazing and wonderful! Surely one of the best sites on the web.
  3. Jeanniejayne53

    Been away for a while...

    Been away for a while...
  4. Jeanniejayne53

    *CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

    Great work on this! Sooo much appreciated! :bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow
  5. Jeanniejayne53

    Brower 845 Incubator, How to use it?

    You may be able to find instructions for hust about everything ever made online if you just dona search. Be dogged and kerp using new search terms if you ned to, or ssk your local librarian for help.
  6. Jeanniejayne53

    Question about day 18

    Imguess it depends on how you define “soon” doesn’t it?
  7. Jeanniejayne53

    Introducing chicks to a broody hen

    Thanks for the update and pics! Adorable!
  8. Jeanniejayne53

    Natural Hen Incubation??

    A hen naturally provides heat and humuidity by pulling out feathers from her belly. This makes it warmer and her skin is moist. No idea how much the eggs cool when hen is off, but they have been doing it for thousands of years!
  9. Jeanniejayne53

    Natural Hen Incubation??

    I have used a broody hen twice to hatch eggs of her own plus other hens eggs in my flock. She seldom left her nest, and only to eat drink and poop. They turn the eggs constantly just a little. They can hear and feel movement, somif an egg goes bad theyveill push it away. I put my hen is a...
  10. Jeanniejayne53

    Comment by 'Jeanniejayne53' in item 'Welsummer'

    Glad to see you gave Eula a second review! Some of us are just late bloomers!
  11. Jeanniejayne53

    Comment by 'Jeanniejayne53' in item 'Welsummer'

    Hi sssharon. A lot of female chickens have the "wild" or partridge feather color pattern. Your girl might be another breed, or just a runt for some reason. She might still lay for you, and she may still turn out to be a fine bird.
  12. Jeanniejayne53

    Comment by 'Jeanniejayne53' in item 'Welsummer'

    My girls are loud only when singing the egg song, and only one of my five was ever broody (they are not known for that ) and then only once when she was a few months old. Mine have never been aggressive with my other breeds at all -- in fact, they keep to themselves. I am glad mine came from a...
  13. Jeanniejayne53

    Comment by 'Jeanniejayne53' in item 'Cornish Cross'

    Agree -- we raised a dozen this spring, and they could fly up onto a chair I put in their grassy run-- up about 18" -- and another 2 ft to the top of the chair back. I did not find that they enjoyed foraging at all, though. They would sit in front of a feeder all day until it got too hot, and...
  14. Jeanniejayne53

    Denied Refi by "Profits Not Chickens" Bank!

    We're in the process of chaning banks, and then plan to refi with USAA. Hope we don't have the problems some others have had. I guess every bank or organization has some issues.
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