Recent content by jeffreybailey

  1. jeffreybailey


    Thanks for the info.
  2. jeffreybailey


    I been washing them and putting them in the fridge.
  3. jeffreybailey


    How long will an egg last before it's no good to eat?
  4. jeffreybailey

    Coop Ideas
  5. jeffreybailey

    How long does it take for two different groups of chicken to start getting along with each other?

    I have 3 plymouth rock hens and 1 rooster. On Sunday I got 5 new hens of mixed breed. 3 are 16weeks and 2 are about a year old. The rocks keep pecking at the others every time they get close. How long will this go on before they start getting along with each other?
  6. jeffreybailey

    New member

    I would like to introduce myself my name is Jeffrey Bailey. I live in Surry Virginia. Grew up in West Virginia. We had some Rhode island reds when I was growing up. I just built a coop and run and my father in law just gave us 3 barred plymouth rock pullets and 1 barred plymouth rock rooster and...
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