Recent content by jeninwa

  1. jeninwa

    4 Mystery Chicks....who has a clue?? :)

    Forgot to mention that they are mutts- I don't have any info on possible parents. Thinking Eagle looks a little cuckoo maran-y. All have a straight comb except for Raven, who might be pea comb-y, not sure....I'm new at this! :) Raven's comb is mostly black, but the tinge at the top is...
  2. jeninwa

    4 Mystery Chicks....who has a clue?? :)

    Here are 5 week updates on my mutts! Pics are in roughly 1 week increments from top L to bottom R. Any guesses on breeds? Athena Raven Eagle Ducky ...and some family fun shots...for fun!
  3. jeninwa

    Comb type?

    Thanks, 10xmama! With them having an unknown lineage I'm eager to get people's thoughts on these types of things. :) I'm new to all of this and interested to learn anything a I can, esp about my babies in particular. I appreciate everyone's help!
  4. jeninwa

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    Awww! What breed is Glitz?
  5. jeninwa

    Comb type?

    Sooo... I have four, 2 week old chicks. They are straight run random, although I was told they should all be girls. ;) One of the 4 has little to no comb development at all when compared to the other chicks. They are all different in appearance, but the other three appear to have a single...
  6. jeninwa

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    What type of chick is this, Kenjo? I I've a mystery chick that looks just like her! :)
  7. jeninwa

    yawning, leg stretching, and side lying

    Ha! I had to search "chicks stretching" today because I had no idea if it was normal or not...and came across this post. It TOTALLY looks like chick yoga, and is ADORABLE. They are too funny...I could just watch them for hours! We should start a "stretching pics" thread to achieve cuteness...
  8. jeninwa

    4 Mystery Chicks....who has a clue?? :)

    Thanks! Its amazing how fast they develop! Last night I still had 2 fuzz butts, but this morning eagle has sprouted tail feathers...literally overnight! And 3 of the 4 also have feathers starting on their shoulders (cranial/medial aspect of wings?) Such fun to watch! Hope they are all girls...
  9. jeninwa

    4 Mystery Chicks....who has a clue?? :)

    Thanks, Poco! I'm so overwhelmed by the different breeds that its nice to have a place to start. :) Prairie- awww thanks, I think so, too! I just moved into a house with a coop a few months ago and have been considering chickens. A friend was taking a biology class where they did an 'imprinting...
  10. jeninwa

    4 Mystery Chicks....who has a clue?? :)

    Hi Everyone! I'm new to BYC and have already learned a lot from you all, just by lurking. ;) I'd like to introduce my 4 chicks and pick your collective brains about what breeds you think they might be. I got them as 'mystery chicks'. They are ~12 days old. I'll post updated pics as they...
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