Recent content by Jenlamb35

  1. Jenlamb35

    Duck picking on hen

    Wow I had no idea it could get that serious. I just thought they could be in the same pan. I will get them separated immediately. Thank you.
  2. Jenlamb35

    Duck picking on hen

    I have a 1 year old mallard that has started picking on one particular hen. I think because she cowers and lets him when the other hens won't. He has really bruised her comb. What can I do to stop this other than find a new home for him? I don't know if he's trying to breed her but he...
  3. Jenlamb35

    Pregnant Pot Belly Pig Advice Anyone?

    Unfortunately she had a "false pregnancy". She even went through the labored breathing. It was disappointing for her and us both but she's a very healthy girl and I know she will be a mommy someday.
  4. Jenlamb35

    Pregnant Pot Belly Pig Advice Anyone?

    We are more than sure that Petunia is pregnant. Her backend has been swollen for over a week. We made her a farrowing place and got the heat lamp going. She loves laying under it right now. When I squeeze on a teat, I can get a bead of milk/chlostrum but I don't want to mess with it much as...
  5. Jenlamb35

    Hen or Rooster

    I agree about it possibly being a brown leghorn. He'll be a pretty roo! :)
  6. Jenlamb35

    Petie or Penny?

    So Petie it is huh? Haha I'm good with that. But can you tell me how you determine that? So I can know for future reference? Thank you!
  7. Jenlamb35

    Petie or Penny?

    I finally am able to post a picture of my mystery chicken. He/she is about 3 months old. The last few days we've heard a sickly "honk" out of him that might be the beginning of crowing? It's twice as big as the other chicks its age and has a completely different personality (very outgoing)...
  8. Jenlamb35

    Pullet or cockerel?

    She's a very pretty little girl!
  9. Jenlamb35

    Rhode Island Red Rooster maybe??

    I'd say Debbie is a Donnie. Haha Could you please tell me how you inserted a photo in your post? I can't figure it out - and I'm trying to do the same thing - post a photo to see if my chick is a Petie or a Penny. :)
  10. Jenlamb35

    First night spent in coop

    How did they do? :)
  11. Jenlamb35

    Moving chicks outside

    I put our 4 week babies out in the coop in mid-late April when it was still in the 50's at night sometimes, but we put a heat lamp on them at night for a week to let them get adjusted. We had it rain a couple of days and was cooler so we left the lamp on during the day so they could dry...
  12. Jenlamb35

    Do I name it Petie or Penny?

    Oh okay - thank you! Oh, Petie/Penny is always getting little nubs for spurs, but my Barred Rock has little dots where some should be too. So I guess that's not a way to tell either. Is there anything else I can see to help me determine if I have a boy or girl?
  13. Jenlamb35

    Do I name it Petie or Penny?

    I'm trying to upload its photo as my avatar but I can't get it to work. Can you embed photos in messages on here? If so, I can't see how to do it. I'll keep trying! :)
  14. Jenlamb35

    Do I name it Petie or Penny?

    My chickens are approximately 3 1/2 months old. We have a white one (Rainbow breed but looks like a Leghorn) has always been an "oxnard" compared to the others. It's almost almost twice the size of the others. The comb and waddle are much larger than the other ones too. We've heard it...
  15. Jenlamb35

    Very worried!!! Chicks breathing fast and making a clicking noise...

    I just bought some chicks and the week old one is doing the same thing I noticed when we got home - almost in a panting stage and clicks when she breathes. She's lethargic but eats and drinks. I put sugar in their water. If anyone has any ideas, I'd greatly appreciate it.
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