Recent content by jenniferschickens

  1. J

    Hawk near miss. Looking for clarity!

    I'm here reading this thread because a Coopers Hawk just attacked our only black chicken. Out of our 15 red/brown/white/golden/grey chickens, the hawk went after the black one. The hawk actually attacked from the ground, it came walking around the corner of our woodshed and attacked (we have a...
  2. J

    We're doing the egg song all wrong

    Lol, we have 16 and when one lays an egg, several will start their egg songs. The rooster then starts frantically running around bock-bocking and making a racket. This goes on until the afternoon on a daily basis lol. It's just nature, it's nothing they need to be broken from. You are fighting...
  3. J

    Where to order chicks?: Hoover Hatchery Vs. Ideal Poultry?

    We ordered from Hoover, they arrived a week ago :). Very happy with the service and health of chicks.
  4. J

    Dying Hen

    At 10 years old, she's an old chicken. According to this, at 9 she's the equivalent of a 90 year old human. She could be dying of old age 😢.
  5. J

    Medicated feed

    Medicated feed is for coccidiosis only. It will cancel out that part of the vaccine. Your still good to go with the Mareks :).
  6. J

    Commercial feed and vitamin deficiencies

    The standard soft gel vitamin E is 400 IU - I got Nature Made softgels. This is an acceptable amount to give a chicken who has a vitamin deficiency.
  7. J

    poke weed and poke berries

    I would start a new thread about it at this point :). If you read the rest of the thread it's pretty self-explanatory though.
  8. J

    Commercial feed and vitamin deficiencies

    You can buy vitamin E in the little caplets that are meant for people. Just cut it open and squeeze it out onto a bit of her favorite food. She should eat it fine :). I did this with one that was having issues. I actually put it on a bit of meal worms and she scarfed it down.
  9. J

    Marek's isolation

    Ok, thank you for the response. We've had chickens since April and have lost 4 out of 16. I took one of them to the vet, but he didn't really have an answer. He gave us antibiotics to treat the whole flock in case it was a respiratory infection. So, we've been separating for things like that...
  10. J

    Marek's isolation

    So, I've been reading as much as I can about Merek's disease. From what I am gathering, if one chicken in your flock has it then they all have it. Especially since it can take 3 weeks to 25 weeks to present symptoms. If all the chickens have it but not all are presenting symptoms at this time...
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