Recent content by jenny1780

  1. jenny1780

    When will my rhode island reds start laying?

    I have 4 RIR. The first one layed at 19 weeks and another started to lay 2 days later. At 20 weeks the other 2 started to lay. The first egg I got was big and had 2 yolks and the shell was hard. The others started out with a hard egg and then layed a couple soft ones. Yesterday I got an odd...
  2. jenny1780

    When will my rhode island reds start laying?

    I have 4 RIR's. One of my girl layed an egg yesterday. They turned 19 weeks yesterday.
  3. jenny1780

    When will my rhode island reds start laying?

    I have 4 RIR's. One of my girl layed an egg yesterday. They turned 19 weeks yesterday.
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