Recent content by Jessicamtorres93

  1. Jessicamtorres93

    BOTH Chicken feet fell off!! Frostbite??

    A few months ago I hatched six chicken eggs. All of them were healthy, except for one who had a limp leg. Her name is Lucy. After they were all fully feathered, I put them outside in the coop with the other chickens, after introducing them for a few weeks. Lucy was doing fine and was able to...
  2. Jessicamtorres93

    Help with Duckling hatching stage. Early?

    They all survived and now I have two beautiful females and a male! It’s weird their parents are white pekins and they’re brown 🤔
  3. Jessicamtorres93

    Suggestions for run material in hot/humid/rainy climate

    I live in Jersey too and my run floor is always a mess. I’m going to buy the plastic roofing! What type of dirt/floor do you use? Mine keeps packing down and is as hard as a Rock. I constantly have to turn it but it’s difficult
  4. Jessicamtorres93

    Big enough coop?

    Definitely not big enough. You could build a big run around it with fencing top, bottom and sides. Then use this to sleep possibly. Chickens need space. I would suggest building your own. It’s fun and you can design the coop anyway you want. Side note, in the run make sure you put chicken wire...
  5. Jessicamtorres93

    HELP PLEASE A.S.A.P! ! Duck Egg may have broken the air cell/malposition

    Thanks for the quick reply. I know you're not supposed to candle at this stage but Im a little worried. I have a camera looking into the incubator and the egg was moving around a lot today like it was trying to hatch. I put it back in the same position. Doesn't the air sack look weird though...
  6. Jessicamtorres93

    HELP PLEASE A.S.A.P! ! Duck Egg may have broken the air cell/malposition

    HI, My ducks were hiding eggs in the corner of the coop behind a little hut. I found them and when I candled one, it already have veins. I don't know exactly how old it was though. This was around July... Now it is August 17th and I think the air cell was broken because instead of an oval, it...
  7. Jessicamtorres93

    TURKEY BEING ATTACKED BY DUCKS, blood and broken feathers! Please Help!

    Hi, I have a white female broad brested turkey. She is the sweetest little girl. She's about a year old and yesterday when I went outside, I notice her entire but area tail feathers were ripped out. Not sure if she was sleeping out of the closed portion of the coop and had her tail feathers...
  8. Jessicamtorres93

    New to Hatching Eggs

    From what I know, some hen types are more broody than others. I used a incubator I got from amazon which was this one Works great and hatched...
  9. Jessicamtorres93

    Swollen newborn duckling

    Not a pro, but I hatched 3 ducks myself last week. Keep his brooder clean and keep an eye on it. most of that stuff should dry and fall off on its own. I had one born still attached to the yolk and let it dry in its own. Also, I put some nutridrench vitamins in their water to help them along. as...
  10. Jessicamtorres93

    Spraying duck eggs

    HI! I just hatched 3/3 duck eggs. I did read about that online, but didn't do it. I would take them out to candle the eggs which allowed them to cool down a bit. and every few days I wet my hand and let a few drops drip on the eggs. Just make sure too keep the humidity up and keep them warm. I...
  11. Jessicamtorres93

    Help with Duckling hatching stage. Early?

    After the weak one Vs Now!
  12. Jessicamtorres93

    Help with Duckling hatching stage. Early?

    Sorry I meant 98F. It shows it in Celsius so it’s confusing. 2 hatched. One was super healthy. All on its own. The other was shrink wrapped so I peeled some shell and outer membrane off and moistened the inner membrane. Then after a while I peeled come off and he came out. I thought he was a...
  13. Jessicamtorres93

    Help with Duckling hatching stage. Early?

    Hi, I am new to this page and I have a crested duck and a domestic white duck that have been laying eggs and I incubated 3. I collected them on November 21st. They may have been sitting in the coop a day or two. but my duck was not sitting on them so I brought them in. I have a video and a few...
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