Recent content by JK

  1. JK

    Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

    @hallerlake: you say you should be able to tell the difference between your young chicks of the spitz/brabanter and brabanter/spitz by looking at their beards? I didn't think that this factor is a sex-linked gene? Just curious, maybe I miss the point here?
  2. JK

    List Your Projects Here

    Nice, are they the usual size for this breed?
  3. JK

    List Your Projects Here

    Ashnurnham, that's a nice project. I've been thinking of breeding in the blue egg into my Brabanters, but I should end another project before I have the facilities to begin a new one. I just love different egg colours in my flock, but want to minimise the amount of breeds laying them. So you got...
  4. JK

    Freedom Rangers in Georgia - Spring 2012

    Great design, your tractor! I now know what I'm gonna make this summer!
  5. JK

    Breda Fowl thread

    Every splash is a diferent bird and a lot of them are just a bit messy, but this is a great bird to look at. And what a great photo too!
  6. JK

    Comment by 'JK' in article 'the-aloha-chicken-project'

    You posted some pictures on a project-thread and I became curious, but I think you've got a great project going on with stunning results! I'm not colse to you and am doing totally different project, but you really inspire me to do something with this colours and my own breed (the Brabanter)...
  7. JK

    List Your Projects Here

    What a lot of great projects here! ANd nice to see some photo's of results. I thin the Amarican Swedish flowers honour their name! And I'm so curious about how the baby doll cochins will look when they're mature. I saw there's another topic about projects too, so I'll have some catching up to do.
  8. JK

    List Your Projects Here

    What a great projects! And thank you for your kind comments. If there's anything you think off that I can do better otherwise, I would like to hear it too ofcourse. Emily, that sounds like some work, but I thnink it's a good idea to use as little breeds as possible. If I could do thinks again...
  9. JK

    List Your Projects Here

    Ok, I'll have a start. I've talked about this meat bird project earlier but I'm curious what you might think of it. I want to breed a not so easy to copy dual purpose breed. For this goal I've got two lines of non-related origin, which I'm going to mix to have the "end products" with a lot of...
  10. JK

    Barred Holland breed of chickens

    Hello, I saw this thread and was interested because I'm from Holland. There were many lovely birds in the pictures, but I think you've got another standard for this breed then we have (no judgement, just an observation). Perhaps you'll find it interesting to see the dutch version the...
  11. JK

    Breda Fowl thread

    Here in The Netherlands they are not very common, but well known (because they've always been around as one of our national breeds). They're supposed to be good winter layers and just as hardy as they need to be for our mild winters (to give an idea: -10C doesn't happen every year). They can be...
  12. JK

    Black and White Chicken Contest~Ends March 20th~

    Quote: Thank you very much and surprisingly: it's a Breda! I't's not a very well known breed and there are different names for it (Gueldres, Kraaikop, etc.). But there are breeders in the USA (and active on this forum).
  13. JK

    Black and White Chicken Contest~Ends March 20th~

    I've post them in another section too, but this is a great contest. So here's my Breda - male 2011!
  14. Kraaikop zwartbont

    Kraaikop zwartbont

  15. JK

    Breda Fowl thread

    Here are some pics of my Breda's (or Kraaikoppen as we call them in The Netherlands). They're from the new colour black mottled and I've bought them this year. Though familiair with the breed I never had any beore, but I just fell in love with this colour. One of the well known breeders had to...
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