Recent content by jlj

  1. jlj

    Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

    These are 2 of my 6 rsl's, C.C. (the roo) & Biscuit. very loving birds!
  2. jlj

    Fitting Hardware cloth to screen frames?

    What a wonderful concept! I Love the hinge Idea! Quote:
  3. jlj

    crowing at all hours

    They also have crowing contest's! first one then the other, sometimes for hours. They are very entertaining.
  4. jlj

    crowing at all hours

    You'll get use to it. Mine crow from before day light, about 4:30a 'til the egde of dark when they go in to roost.
  5. jlj

    lets see the "ugly" coops plz

    Quote: Love it! I wish you would have posted pictures of the inside.
  6. jlj

    Rooster's comb is bleeding

    C.C. is much better today, we kept him inside all day yesterday. The temp. today is going to be in the 40's and the rest of the week, so we might let him out for a few hours each day. I am keeping the ointment on him.
  7. jlj

    Rooster's comb is bleeding

    As you can see, C.C.'s comb is Big, and a little dark on the tip.
  8. jlj

    Rooster's comb is bleeding

    C.C. is doing much better, no more bleeding. One of the tips is very dark, Would that be frost bite?
  9. jlj

    Rooster's comb is bleeding

    We have him pinned now, & hubby has got the bleeding almost stopped., Yes it is very cold here. I am in Va. Cold & windy. I think you are right, it might be frost bite. There are no other rooster's around him. Thanks for the Help!
  10. jlj

    Rooster's comb is bleeding

    We went out to do our morning "chicken duties" and found our roo C.C. Bleeding from his comb, He shaking his head so there is blood all over his back. He wont let either of us near him. Any suggestions? Leanne~
  11. jlj

    New Update....he Is Home... Thank You Byc Are Wonderful

    Geebsie, My thoughts are with you and your loved ones. "Lord Jesus, Who went about doing good and healing all, we ask You to bless our friends who are sick. Give them the strength in body, courage in spirit, and patience in pain. Let them recover their health, so that, restored to the...
  12. jlj

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: Pretty Eggs!!! Wish my Cuckoo's were laying! Hopefully soon.
  13. jlj

    Rebel Roo?

    I am sorry I havent been back on here. I spent the day, yesterday at the ER, Bert got me again! And now Bert is in the fry pan! I think I am now in the "Cook 'em" Camp! Thank you all for your help.
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