Recent content by JLukassen

  1. JLukassen

    What else can I do?

    Hello, I have chicks new from the store a few days ago. Last night one chick was breathing hard and laying flat like they do when they’re trying to die. She had a pasty vent, so I cleaned her, got her to drink electrolyte water I made and put her in her own separate box so she wouldn’t get...
  2. JLukassen

    sick or injured? any thoughts?

    Also, no discharge and her breathing seems fine. No unusual smells either
  3. JLukassen

    sick or injured? any thoughts?

    She can open both eyes, but doesn't seem like she wants to, acting pretty lethargic, brought her in to the house in a box by herself and she has just been sleeping since. No interest in food or water but hoping she will perk up after some rest
  4. JLukassen

    sick or injured? any thoughts?

    Hi! This morning I went out to feed and water my girls and this hen was sitting on the roost with a swollen face and some blood on it,any idea if this looks like an injury or an illness?[/IMG]
  5. JLukassen

    HELP! My chicks have been dying and I can't figure out why!

    Thanks everyone for your prompt responses, a few more questions if you can humor me! Do I do 5 days as the corid bottle suggests for cows or something different? Also do I need to do anything else to prevent re-infection or will the the bugs in the environment die off on their own?
  6. JLukassen

    HELP! My chicks have been dying and I can't figure out why!

    Thanks for the advice I don't live near the feed store but the vet nearby had the liquid, so for a 20oz waterer I got that I needed 1.6ml I'd very much appreciate if someone would double check my math
  7. JLukassen

    HELP! My chicks have been dying and I can't figure out why!

    Do ducks typically contract this as well? I know there's some issues with ducks and antibiotics...
  8. JLukassen

    HELP! My chicks have been dying and I can't figure out why!

    Hello, I had bought 11 baby chicks at the feed store about 4 or 5 weeks ago and they have been dying in spurts since then. First one just a few days after I brought them home, 4 all in a row the next week and then the remaining 6 were ok for a couple weeks but I had another one die on me last...
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