Recent content by Jmans chickens

  1. Jmans chickens

    Coop size help!

    Thank you all so much for the help! Well, I picked up the girls today. We got a Silver Laced Wyandotte, Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, and a Barred Rock. They are about 4 weeks old kids absolutely adore them and they are already seemingly comfortable being around us. I am most likely...
  2. Jmans chickens

    Coop size help!

    I need to know if my coop and run will support 4 full size hens and 1 silkie. The coop is 4x4 and is elevated 2 feet. The run is 4x10 (6 feet of the run is actually under the coop/nesting boxes). Do I need to limit it to 3 full size hens and 1 silkie? We are considering a Silver Laced Wyandotte...
  3. Jmans chickens

    Coop and run for 6 chickens.

    I am very new to this. I recently built my own coop and run. The coop is 4 x 4 and is elevated. The run is approximately 4x10 (6x10 of that space is actually under the elevated coop). Will this support 3 full size layers and two silkies? Their food and water will be in the run, which is covered...
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