Recent content by Jmommy2008

  1. Jmommy2008

    Post pictures of your Meyer hatchery Cookies & Cream chickens (Hens & Roosters)!!

    Here’s one of mine 😍 her name is Marilyn. I have 7 growing out and she has the best poof!
  2. Jmommy2008

    Help me learn how to sex my cream and opal legbars

    I have 8 here. Breeder said it looks like all pullets except for one roo. But I’m seeing the yellow dot on lots of heads. I’m so confused!
  3. Jmommy2008

    Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest—Fancy Feathered Fellas Photo Contest

    My silkie roo, from paint lines out of Greenlands rare and beautiful flock in Bolivia NC. He is one of my faves! He is more working for me at Triple J Homestead in Currie NC 🥰❤️
  4. Jmommy2008

    Turken hen to silkie roo sex link question. Please help!

    I’ll post a pic when I can get one from my friend I ended up giving the baby too ;) but uploading a pic when it was little so you can see the mix of colored skin
  5. Jmommy2008

    Just got tested for NPIP! 😁

    Just got tested for NPIP! 😁
  6. Jmommy2008

    Turken hen to silkie roo sex link question. Please help!

    Ok I know if you breed a naked neck (turken) to a silkie the babies are supposed to be sex link by their skin color. Black skin means hen and pink skin means boy. What do I do if one is born half and half?! I’ll post a pic of my newly hatched chick. It’s lower half is all blue/black skin and...
  7. Jmommy2008

    Sick turkey please help

    Also we have drained the sinus for the past three nights and by morning it’s swollen again
  8. Jmommy2008

    Sick turkey please help

    They act completely normal, eat enthusiastically. Full of energy
  9. Jmommy2008

    Sick turkey please help

    I have 4 Six month old royal palms. Two hens and two Toms. 3 of them have gotten sick. One has not (biggest Tom) the girls have had a very slight sneeze here and there and occasionally cough. The Tom does this a little too. They’ve been sick for about three weeks now. Started with the slight...
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