Recent content by Jmurph

  1. Jmurph

    The Mean Girls.

    Thank you so much for your reply. After a discussion with my husband, we have decided that there is no way we are going to let some domineering mean girl rule the back 40. This is the plan: Fancy is already in with the two week old chicks in a large enclosure in the garage. She has a perch and a...
  2. Jmurph

    The Mean Girls.

    I have been raising chickens for the past 5 years or so, and up till this past year I have had no issues. (other than a raccoon more raccoon, or his brother, or his possum friend.). I currently have a flock of 8 chickens. Last fall, the MEAN girls started picking on "Fancy Pants"...
  3. Jmurph

    July Hatch-a-long

    Alrighty then...all is well. Woke up this morning to my teenage son (he has weightlifting at 6 AM for football), saying , "mom........MOM! you have a chicken!". Up to six with 2 other pips....Total of 17 that made it to lockdown, so waiting on the other 9. Wednesday is hatch day, so I think it...
  4. Jmurph

    July Hatch-a-long

    I am hoping someone with more experience can answer this question. I am just drawing on human experience for 26 years in high risk obstetrics. My initial thoughts are that the chicks are already formed and that being said, they should be able to compensate for a short time with fluctuations in...
  5. Jmurph

    July Hatch-a-long

    I am NEVER doing a hatch around a holiday again! I FORGOT(I know there is a medication for that) that yesterday was lockdown. Today, I went to put the sponges in....I have a bunch of peeping going on and ONE pip....That was about 6 hours ago. Now my humidity is good, but I just looked through...
  6. Jmurph

    July Hatch-a-long

    Day 10...31 eggs, tossed 6 tonight because they were clear. I did a few mixed assortments from mypetchicken. I am still on the fence about six of these, but they are all marans. I only have one Golden Polish and it looks like a go, both on day 5 and day 10. Now all I have to hope for is a Golden...
  7. Jmurph

    July Hatch-a-long

    I am thinking just sit back and watch...I am excited for you. Oh and as one poster said, have the brooder ready. I have had a few hatchlings that struggled for longer than 24-36 hours that I have helped out. It seems they were just malpositioned in the egg and couldn't get enough "get up and go"...
  8. Jmurph

    July Hatch-a-long

    Putting eggs in the incubator tomorrow. I purchased an "assortment" from my pet chicken. I have 31 going in. This is my 4th hatch. All of the eggs are labeled with the breed....we'll see how that goes, when they all start hatching like Looking forward to hearing everyone's progress.
  9. Jmurph

    White Crested Polish Roo (NE Ohio)

    Hi All, I have a Roo formerly named "Stella" "Stosh" that needs a new home. He hatched on March 8th, so he is not quite that old. I live 1/2 way between Akron and Cleveland. He just started crowing in the last week or so and now has to live in the garage :( I would really like to see him...
  10. Jmurph

    Pekin Duck Club!

    OMG!!!!>>>PEAS!!!!! PEAS!!!!! It looked like they have not been fed in the past two weeks. I gave them some...then walked away...they literally tripped over themselves RUNNNG after me. Who knew? Well all of you knew! Thanks for the tip!! My daughter and I are in the family room with two very...
  11. Jmurph

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Peas!!! Who would have thought? Bought a few bags and one of them is defrosting in my sink.(kids are going by and munching on them). I have 5 two week old Pekin ducklings that are growing like CRAZY!!! Bought them a slice of watermelon the other day...It was ALL over them!. Then it was time...
  12. Jmurph

    Three "mature" hens and 3 pekin ducklings in need of rehoming - NE OHIO

    Hi, I am two hours North of you. I live in Hudson, OH. I will PM you.
  13. Jmurph

    Three "mature" hens and 3 pekin ducklings in need of rehoming - NE OHIO

    A gentleman with older hens is coming to rehome the chickens tomorrow!!!! YEAH!!! Sounds like a good home with grandkids and all!!
  14. Jmurph

    Three "mature" hens and 3 pekin ducklings in need of rehoming - NE OHIO

    HI, I have three 3 year old hens that need to find a new home. They are free range, healthy and still lay...although not as much as last year. I purchased six from the 4 H-ers at the county fair and three have met their fate with some raccoons last summer. I may add that the raccoons met their...
  15. Jmurph

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Alright...another question.... I had 6 eggs...5 hatched on Wednesday...they are all doing fine in the brooder. I had one egg left in the 'bator. This egg decided to come to life Friday. On Sunday...even though there was a pip and we could see the beak coming in and out, there was no progress.DH...
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