Recent content by jnbyoung

  1. Breeds


  2. jnbyoung

    Can I 'harvest' my roos myself?

    I read that one before (eeek!) I just have absolutely no equipment (besides knives and scissors) and don't want to buy any just to be rid of my roos. I was wondering too at about what age I should do it? The big BR roo is making himself a pest by waking the neighborhood up but he's only 9 weeks...
  3. jnbyoung

    Can I 'harvest' my roos myself?

    I'm thinking since I put forth the effort to raise them on an organic free-ranged diet(they're 9 weeks or so) could I maybe be brave enough to do the deed? Is it worth the effort to have 2 birds (WR and BR roos). The EE roo is way too small to think about *gulp* eating.
  4. jnbyoung

    My roo that was a hen :)

    Proof that it's all roo now...dang it!!
  5. jnbyoung

    What Special Treat or Yummy Did Your Flock Get Today?

    Tiny fresh summer squash that they fought over. They had already decided to sample my garden goods, so I just gave them the whole darn thing.
  6. jnbyoung

    Rehoming my flock :(

    And it totally figures, my pretty EE roo who was the most shy, decided to eat out of my hand for the first time today. I spent a solid hour with them and realize I really find them very calming and I will do this again when the time is right. I was told there's a livestock auction in the area so...
  7. jnbyoung

    Free flock for local pickup only

    I'm rehoming my entire flock and would feel MUCH better if they went to someone on here instead of a 'stranger'. I have a 9 week old pair of barred rocks, a 9 week old pair of white rocks, and a EE roo. I would have to give up 3 out of my five because we didn't want or need roosters, and now...
  8. jnbyoung

    Rehoming my flock :(

    It was for the experience of raising our own food. We have a vegetable garden this year, and I was feeling earthy, and thought my girls would enjoy a pet that could also provide us with eggs What dog can do that ? The eggs are, in essence, a bonus indeed. Which is why I am even more...
  9. jnbyoung

    Rehoming my flock :(

    Thank you both. I'm just sort of mad because my husband just started to accept my chicken-crazyiness and now I'm losing my passion. His reasoning - its a lot cheaper to buy eggs from the place down the street (they have a chicken farm so they're fresh). I guess I can't argue with him much...
  10. jnbyoung

    Rehoming my flock :(

    I am at the point (frustratingly!!) where I know for sure I have two roosters of my 5 chickens. Now a chicken I SWORE was a hen, started crowing. None of the others crow yet. So that makes is almost certainly 3 out of 5. I am in good standing with our neighbors, and there are no complaints...
  11. jnbyoung

    Boy? Girl? Ameraucana or EE?

    Arrgh...Well at least the name was gender neutral and it wont need to be renamed. So much for green eggs and ham That means that now 2 of my 5 'hens' are not hens. I guess there'll be some free roos listed soon .
  12. jnbyoung

    Boy? Girl? Ameraucana or EE?

    I got this beautiful chick who was one of a few 'leftovers' at the feed store a week or so ago. I fell in love with her and thought she almost looked like a bald eagle when she sticks her neck up and looks around. I named her Sammy and she's by far my most favorite to look at. I'm just hoping...
  13. jnbyoung

    My "I know nothining about coops or chickens" recycled pallet coop :)

    I actually do have hardware cloth on the bottom (thanks to reading many posts here about it!). The back half or so is a solid floor (mistake) with a deep layer of pine shaving bedding in it. I've seen the chickens in there a few times, not sure if it was because they were cold or not, but...
  14. jnbyoung


    Awesome coop!! If I may be so bold, how much did you spend on materials?
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