Recent content by Joanie1975

  1. Joanie1975

    Condensation on Incubator Window...Is it Bad??

    I think it was too cold in my house . I had to start closing me bathroom door. There is no a/c in there and my window unit in my room was keeping it cold
  2. Joanie1975

    Shipped eggs.... don"t turn for the first week? I'm confused.

    I received my eggs 2 days ago (trying for the 3rd time to get 1 to hatch) I’m at a loss too. 2 eggs were shattered so of course the rest have jelly aircells. I have them in an egg carton and I am lifting each end slightly a few times a day. Is there any other way? TIA
  3. Joanie1975


    thank you.... I built this for him.
  4. Joanie1975


    When I pinch to see about moving the tendon, nothing moves. It’s like knots. How hard do I pinch? Yes, he has a fit when I straighten them. ALSO, how straight is straight? I don’t want to straighten them too much
  5. Joanie1975


    No, those pictures are from now. I have been putting neosporin on them.
  6. Joanie1975


    Thanks. I had that on him for 2 days and it seemed to get his legs to stay under him a lot more, but I do think it’s slipped tendon too, I both legs but I don’t know how to fix it. Believe it or not, he is somewhat trying to sit up now but he leans back on his elbows like he can’t straighten out...
  7. Joanie1975


    he seems really trembling and I just can’t keep seeing him like this
  8. Joanie1975


    Will someone please tell me what I can do for this baby. As soon as he hatched out he had bloody elbow joint and his legs were on both sides of him. They both look really wide and he keeps them bent and he will not stand up. I began 2 days ago at 1 day old, putting tape on his legs but he still...
  9. Joanie1975

    Help--Look at this pic of chick's hock joint--To cull or not to cull?

    This is an old post I see. I think I have a chick with the same issues. I feel so helpless
  10. Joanie1975

    Condensation on Incubator Window...Is it Bad??

    I wish you had gotten your answers 3 years ago! Lol, I’m facing this right now and searching for answers too
  11. Joanie1975

    Air cell size with dry incubation.

    This is old and I hope you get it . I live in Southeast Texas where it’s really humid. I’m not adding much water at all to keep it between 30%-45% is that considered dry incubation? I’m new at this. Thanks so much
  12. Joanie1975

    Day 22 of incubation and no chicks yet???

    This is quite an old thread. But I have to ask here because I have not figured out how to start a new one. I’m positive that I’m on day 22. This morning at 10 am I heard a chirp in the incubator and some off and on since, but nothing now. I can’t see in there very well so I don’t know if there...
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