Recent content by jobethd

  1. jobethd

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Thank you.
  2. jobethd

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    And the white one on the left here, I was thinking hen , and rooster on the right?
  3. jobethd

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Here is one more photo with a group of 4. All roosters?
  4. jobethd

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    What about the brown one hiding under the feeder?
  5. jobethd

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    What about the brown one hiding under the feeder?
  6. jobethd

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    It won't let me embed more than one photo at a time, sorry :(
  7. jobethd

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Maybe you all can help me with sexing some of mine. I am having the hardest time this go-round. Are ANY of these pullets? I feel like they're all roosters. [/IMG][/IMG]
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