Recent content by Joejr14

  1. Joejr14

    Cream Cested Legbar chick sexing help

    So this is only my 2nd mini clutch...and I feel like I'm slightly confused on what I'm seeing. The first clutch (only 3) were all obvious females with the well defined chipmunk striping and didn't look anything like these 5. I know the lighter two are obviously cockerels, but did I totally...
  2. Joejr14

    Legbar/Welsummer chick sexing help

    Had a handful of eggs hatch - of this group 2 are full Cream Crested Legbars, the other is the result of a CCL roo x Welsummer. Based on what I read I expected them to look identical and be auto-sexing. These all appear to be female, yes? Or perhaps a male on the far left?
  3. Joejr14

    Delaware Gender

    Delaware? Looks more like a White Leghorn.
  4. Joejr14

    Help with gender and breed

    Just surprised at how different it is compared to the very obvious (crowing) cockerel. Same age...just seems interesting how different they look.
  5. Joejr14

    Help with gender and breed

    I ordered 19 chicks that were delivered back at the end of March from Cackle hatchery. The order was supposed to include 3 Golden laced Wyandottes and 3 Red laced Wyandottes. They threw in an extra one of everything I ordered except for a Red-laced Wyandotte. I ended up with two very...
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