Recent content by joeW96

  1. joeW96

    Buff Dewlap Toulouse Thread

    Hi Thanks she is a nice goose and looks better when ought of the molt will put some more pictures of the others on soon Joe
  2. joeW96

    Buff Dewlap Toulouse Thread

    Hi I am from the uk and just thought that I would put a few pictures on to se what people's thoughts about the buffs were.
  3. joeW96

    Buff Dewlap Toulouse Thread

    Hi I am from the uk and just thought that I would put a few pictures on to se what people's thoughts about the buffs were.
  4. joeW96

    How do I prepare a White Bird for a Show?

    Hi pete The shampoo that you wont to use when you are planing on showing again is glow white And if needed use fairy liquid first, but make sure that you wash the glow white out well because if not the feathers go sticky. Hope this helps in the future. Thanks Joe
  5. joeW96

    Silkies Of A Different Color

    Hi thank you for the advice they are still growing and the feathers on there feat are developing i am very happy that you think that they could be of good enough quality to show. Also they are large fowl but since i took the photos of them they have grown and put some more weight on so i am...
  6. joeW96

    Silkies Of A Different Color

    Thank you very much for the link and advice.
  7. joeW96

    Silkies Of A Different Color

    Hi I have seen some verry nise examples of the breed and some that I have not seen before in the uk. I was also wondering if people could give me some advice on my silkies hear are some pictures. if anyone is thinking that they did well at the show. But there was only my 3 sillies in...
  8. joeW96

    Fanconian Geese - has anyone experience and information?

    Hi Pete From what i can see in the waterfowl standards i dont think that they are standardised in the uk with them being under Othere breeds of Gees standardized in the EU but hipe that they are what you are looking for. p.s are they from Anglian
  9. joeW96

    How do I prepare a White Bird for a Show?

    Yes i agree with Overrun With Chickens to use something like Vaseline on there feet and there beaks. This gave my birds a real nise couler on there beaks and feet. Hear is a pic. And one of the silkie which only needed rinsing
  10. joeW96

    Fanconian Geese - has anyone experience and information?

    Hi Pete I just found some info you probably have found it but hear it is The Frankonian geese from Bavaria were mostly snow white, more rarely grey and white mottled. The Blue has now been accepted into the German standards(2003). Strong, medium length head with comparatively large, light...
  11. joeW96

    How do I prepare a White Bird for a Show?

    hi Pete Mum says to that there is a silk and wool washing machine liquid but the name of the other thing i cant remember but it is flacks also she hasn't seen any recently. But all i can recommend is that you put them on clean water as much as possibly and then the night before the show when...
  12. joeW96

    Toulouse starting to lay at last (UK). Pics

    Hi pete They look better in person don't they you have some ace birds bird though Hop the old boy dose good at the show Thanks Joe
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