Recent content by John in Binghamton

  1. J

    help figuring out an malformed egg issue?

    Dear BYC folks: One of my chickens laid this egg today. Any insight into what could have caused this? The deformity is at the tip. It's a little smaller than usual, and the deformity at the tip is hard calcium--it's not soft. Looks almost like a little swirl on top of the egg. No obvious health...
  2. J

    sexing help

    Thank you!!!!!
  3. J

    sexing help

    good folks of the Backyard Chicken Forums! I was hoping that I could get some help sexing my two month old chickens. I have eight. Pretty sure the white one with the prominent comb is a rooster. Otherwise, hard to say. Any ideas? There's a RIR, a white cochin, a buff Brahma, a black Australorp...
  4. J

    mysterious chicken death (9 month old buff orpington): ideas?

    Dear BYC folks: Went out tonight to do the chores and found one of my Buffs dead on the floor of the coop. I examined her body; no visible signs of injury. Looked down her throat, couldn't see anything. One thing that seemed maybe slightly off was her cloacal area, which I have included a...
  5. J

    will a mild splay leg resolve itself?

    Thanks, sourland! It is on pine chips--I will try to get the hair-tie hobble back on and hope that it helps...
  6. J

    will a mild splay leg resolve itself?

    Hello all! I just hatched four Speckled Sussex chicks. Three are doing great, but the fourth has a mild case of what I believe to be splay leg. Hatched later than the others (about a day after) and has some mild balance/walking issues--sometimes falls down, and when it sits, its leg is slightly...
  7. J

    friend saw this loose chicken--what breed is it?

    hahaha here's a short video he took; why in God's name would anyone photoshop a chicken photo for this forum?
  8. J

    friend saw this loose chicken--what breed is it?

    he only took the one photo, sadly! the line does look really stark, i agree--wondering if it's some kind of blue orpington/bluebell mix
  9. J

    friend saw this loose chicken--what breed is it?

    Friend found this little lady wandering in the street--any idea what breed she is?
  10. J

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Kat Kat thanks so much for the offer! Can't keep roosters here, unfortunately :(
  11. J

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hey Kat! I'm nearby in Binghamton--can I ask what small farm you bought your eggs from and what breeds they have? John
  12. J

    Hey Jeff (and Tonya!): Came across your posts--I'm nearby in Binghamton and looking to start a...

    Hey Jeff (and Tonya!): Came across your posts--I'm nearby in Binghamton and looking to start a small backyard flock, thought I'd reach out and say hello to neighbors!
  13. J

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hey New York thread! Writing from Binghamton--looking to start a small backyard flock this spring. Anybody know anyone nearby who might have some interesting hatching eggs? Thought I'd look around and see what was available before going the Agway chick route ;)
  14. J

    hello from upstate NY!

    Hey folks! I'm excited to join BYC; had chickens when I was young and in 4-H (Orps! and one beautiful little Sebring). Just bought a house with a chicken coop in the backyard and am excited to have chickens again--15 years later! Hoping to start a small (4-6) backyard flock this spring. Would...
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