Recent content by Jonsgrl

  1. Jonsgrl

    Angel Wing

    Nice! I am happy it worked out for you. Mine keeps working at the wrapping until he eventually gets it off . He is a couple of weeks older now and I am so aggravated with it so much so that I don't know if I should even bother! If I do, I may have to do the body wrap b/c wrapping just the...
  2. Jonsgrl

    HELP - one chick has hatched and other only pipped

    No, You do not have to be sorry!! I loved reading all the information. It gave me some things to think about and watch for. This is my first go round with an incubator and I really didn't do a lot of research before I got started. It is a wonderful and informative link that I have gone to...
  3. Jonsgrl

    HELP - one chick has hatched and other only pipped

    So far they are starting at the right end...after reading the link from above I am more nervous than ever! I didn't know so much could go wrong and until I went to the link, I would not have know what to look for.
  4. Jonsgrl

    HELP - one chick has hatched and other only pipped

    Congrats I am going through this same thing right now! Hoping our hatching goes well too!!
  5. Jonsgrl

    Comment by 'Jonsgrl' in article 'Step by Step Guide to ASSISTED Hatching'

    So glad I found this when I did! I have eggs hatching as we speak and this is my first go round with hatching eggs in an incubator...I really needed this right now, only if to calm the anxiety as I wait :) Now, I will know if anything doesn't look right or know that everything is going right...
  6. Jonsgrl

    Incubator switch

    I have a dozen chicken eggs in one incubator and have about 15 guinea eggs in another. What I want to do is switch the guinea eggs over with the chicken eggs and use the second incubator as a hatcher. The guinea eggs are in batches so they are set to hatch over the next 2-3 weeks...should I...
  7. Jonsgrl

    Angel Wing

    So, just in case anyone is interested...I finally got his wing wrapped! He did very well while I got it done, not too traumatized. Now, whether or not it will work remains to be seen. I will keep you posted :)
  8. Jonsgrl

    Angel Wing

    Thank You, I will check it out!
  9. Jonsgrl

    Angel Wing

    Thank You all for the replies :) I did go out this morning after reading a little more last night and looked at his wing. I tried to tuck it, see how to wrap it, and test his aggressiveness while I messed with it. Good news is he is fairly tame and didn't mind too much what I was doing but...
  10. Jonsgrl

    Angel Wing

    I seen a thread on here before about this issue but, noticed that it is from 2010. I thought I would refresh the thread and see if I can get some clarity on this issue. I noticed about 2 weeks ago that my 7 week old goose apparently has an "angel wing". I read that their diet could cause this...
  11. Jonsgrl

    Hi, All

    Hello, I am from South Carolina, always been a country girl but new at trying to raise and care for chickens, guineas, and geese. I recently purchased an incubator and trying my hand at incubating guinea eggs as well. I am excited to meet others who will share their advice, experiences, and...
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