Recent content by jordancurry

  1. jordancurry

    HELP! Clueless About Incubating a "Rescued" Goose Egg (PHOTOS)

    My brother brought it home 11 and a half days ago. Spent the first several days on a towel in a bowl with a heat lamp above it, it was only a 60watt bulb though (wasn't monitoring the temp at that point, because I was mostly just doing it to keep my brother happy). It has been in the home-made...
  2. jordancurry

    HELP! Clueless About Incubating a "Rescued" Goose Egg (PHOTOS)

    Any advice about incubating goose eggs, as well as what to look for when candling - really just any information you have about this would be GREATLY appreciated. If you have a minute, check out the details and photos below and let me know if I'm doing anything horribly wrong. From what I've...
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