Recent content by JUnderwoodFarms

  1. JUnderwoodFarms

    Chicken with a bad leg

    I did some reading and I think it has a slipped hock tendon. I read how to set it and how to build a little chair for it to sit in while it heals...this should be interesting. I will post pictures and updates...
  2. JUnderwoodFarms

    Chicken with a bad leg

    He gets around ok... he is still in the brooder so I dont have to worry about him getting picked on. He hobbles around and even flies up to perch on the sides of the brooder when I open it up... Im just worried about it being able to hold its own weight when it gets bigger.
  3. JUnderwoodFarms

    New to incubating please help

    Maybe try a shallower dish of water... The deeper the dish the harder it is to keep it warm enought to evaporate to create that humid enviroment... and maybe try laying a moist paper towel over the hole you are leaving open... it will allow some air to escape but should hold most of the...
  4. JUnderwoodFarms

    Chicken with a bad leg

    I've got a 6week old RIR chick that has a bad leg. One leg is kind of pointed out to one side and he walks on the joint instead of on his foot. The foot just kind of flops to the side. People have told me I can wrap it to correct the problem but Im not really sure how. I wrapped it up at the...
  5. JUnderwoodFarms

    No eggs for 3 weeks now....

    Well In the last few days I have started getting eggs again... Only 3 or 4 a day but still better than none. We were getting 6 to 8 a day before.
  6. JUnderwoodFarms

    No eggs for 3 weeks now....

    My oldest hens are just over 2 years (about 10) then I have a few just under a year and 4 that are about 5 months. I will try cutting back on scratch. They do tend to eat all the scratch first then the layer pellets so that may be part of it. They are not totally free range because we have...
  7. JUnderwoodFarms

    No eggs for 3 weeks now....

    I know they were well few while I was gone... either that or my parents were eating the I give them veggie scraps and scratch everyday along with their layer feed... I dont know... Im going to put a couple wooden eggs in tonight just in case there is a snake but i cant imagine a...
  8. JUnderwoodFarms

    No eggs for 3 weeks now....

    We took a family vacation a few weeks ago and had my parents take care of the animals. While we were gone we lost a couple hens to what we think was a tomcat that got into the coupe. Since then we have not had a single egg from our 18 hens. I don't see any signs of anything getting in to eat...
  9. JUnderwoodFarms

    I'm having a hard time

    I am using an incubator with no fan now. I am considering getting a fan for it though. and yeah I agree on the brooding hen not providing that much humidity.
  10. JUnderwoodFarms

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    I love my naked necks too. I just hatched a few more. Even got a naked neck Bantham out of this batch.
  11. JUnderwoodFarms

    I'm having a hard time

    I was told by a breeder here that opening the incubator in the last three days is a death sentence. Not sure what the science is behind it though.
  12. JUnderwoodFarms

    I'm having a hard time

    It doesnt usually actually stay at 70 percent humidity but i try to keep it close because that is what I always read. I live on the gulf coast where it is already super humid so maybe that is too much. It is just a little frustrating this is twice now that I have had a ton of eggs not hatch...
  13. JUnderwoodFarms

    Can you eat fertile eggs?

    Haha... I got my first two naked necks last year. I thought they were horrible but now im kind of a fan. Since one of them was a rooster most of my new hatchlings carry the trait...yaay
  14. JUnderwoodFarms

    I'm having a hard time

    I had 38 mixed eggs due May 11th... only 8 have hatched. I am new to this. This was my third batch in my little giant bator. the first batch 16 out of 38 hatched. My second batch I got 0 but it turned out the thermometer I had in it was way off so I fixed that. Now this batch im not getting...
  15. JUnderwoodFarms

    expanding the coop for a growing flock

    I am fairly new to raising birds. We bought 10 chicks last spring and they all survived and started laying for us like we hoped at about 4 months. I used one of my old goat pins in my old rotten barn as their coop. i made some mods, added some roosts and 2 nesting boxes and it was worked...
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