Recent content by JustinVero

  1. JustinVero

    The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

    PM me also please, I'm interested.
  2. JustinVero

    2 Sebastopol Geese for sale South Florida

    Still available? Where in SFL? I'm about an hour north of WPB
  3. JustinVero

    Help! Hen neck drooping suddenly,

    OK, just to update for anyone who might find this later (I hate when I find something similar going on and then nobody posts back the results good or bad). Last night I mixed up the molasses flush and electrolytes and gave her around 5ml or so directly down her throat - if I couldn't drip it...
  4. JustinVero

    Help! Hen neck drooping suddenly,

    Yes, her eyes do look normal, not like to ones I saw online with Marek's. I just checked on her and she was on her back wanting to flip over.
  5. JustinVero

    Help! Hen neck drooping suddenly,

    OK, I will go ahead and do the molasses flush. After I mix the solution, do I give it to her through an eyedropper? If so, how much at a time? She does try to drink by herself, but with her head hanging down, I honestly don't know if the water goes down her throat or if it just leaks back out. I...
  6. JustinVero

    Help! Hen neck drooping suddenly,

    Thanks for the replies! I did start giving her vitamins last night. This morning her neck is still drooping. She can still stand and walk, but her wings seem to be drooping for sure. Should I go ahead and do the molasses flush? How can I be sure this isn't something more serious like Marek's? I...
  7. JustinVero

    Help! Hen neck drooping suddenly,

    Meant to also say that she did poop in the cage and it seemed very runny like clear liquid. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
  8. JustinVero

    Help! Hen neck drooping suddenly,

    One of my SLW pullets that is right around 6 months old suddenly developed a drooping neck tonight. We were watching her and then all of a sudden her neck started drooping and it looked like she was straining to poop and she pooped a little bit. I picked her up and checked her vent and it seems...
  9. JustinVero

    HELP!! What is the most humane way to cull a chicken?

    Sounds horrible, but I would definitely say a shot through the eyes is not good as you found out. It would have to be a regular hollow point directly in the head (brain). Or hatchet/axe.
  10. JustinVero

    HELP! Injured Chicken Beak! Not sure what to do!

    What kind of metal feeder were you using?
  11. JustinVero

    Explaining Chicken Math

    Haha, that is great!
  12. JustinVero

    Perching on shoulder?

    I can attest to that. I have one hen that gets very vocal and will look at me and squawk while I hold other hens besides her. I also have another couple that like to perch on my shoulder. Maybe because they seem to like getting as high as possible for the best perspective?
  13. JustinVero


    I have some chicks now that are about 4 weeks old that eat an occasional worm or anything else they find in the ground and they are just fine.
  14. JustinVero

    Complaint about this forum .....

    They are definitely addicting, and very practical too! Fun to watch!
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