Recent content by karabbitry

  1. karabbitry

    Any idea what this Roo is?

    He is an Easter Egger.
  2. karabbitry

    My cochin... what color?

    Well I am not good at correct color naming, but she is definately not Cochin. I think she is a cross of some sorts with a Faverolle. If this is the case I would say she is some form of a diluted wheaton or salmon. Once again not good on colors.
  3. karabbitry

    Faverolles Thread

    Quote: They start laying around 6 months of age. Doesn't matter what time of year. This is not the case with most chickens. Chickens by nature are seasonal layers. When day lengths reaches x amount of hours (I would have to look up the optimal hours) they are more apt to lay. The same is...
  4. karabbitry

    She Must Be a Mix of Breeds - But What?

    This is a complete guess, but something about her shape and head/face to me screams D'uccle. Maybe she is a d'uccle crossed on to a large breed of some sort. Who knows!
  5. karabbitry

    How do I find a breeder in my area?

    There is a big show held every fall in Farmington. There are plenty of breeders that live in NM, not sure if they have a breed you would be interested in or not. If you can PM me I can get you some of their names.
  6. karabbitry

    What breeds are best for children to show in 4-H

    No "lavender" are accepted in the APA or ABA standard. The only one might be lavender guineas. But there are birds that are Self Blue, which is the same thing, but the standard term. Breeds such as D'anvers and Old English Game Bantams come in this color.
  7. karabbitry

    Frizzled Silver Pencilled Plymouth Rock Bantams?

    My opinion is, is that they are not frizzle. They look really dry feathered to me. If it is not that it is most likely just poor feather quality, but not frizzled. I bet when you breed them together you will get no true frizzles, just smooth feathered. That s my take at least. Good luck with...
  8. karabbitry

    Are they rocks or leghorns, pictures

    There ear lobes show nothing at this point. They are too young.
  9. karabbitry

    Are they rocks or leghorns, pictures

    It could be just the pictures but I would also consider that they might be cornish X's. They seem pretty long and full. Could be that they had just eaten as well. Who knows...they need more time before anyone can give a positive!
  10. karabbitry

    Frizzled Silver Pencilled Plymouth Rock Bantams?

    Quote: Rocks arent a frizzled breed so they shouldnt be frizzled and you so you shouldnt find anyone with pics of them. Are they young birds that are just starting to feather out ? If so some birds looked to be a bit frizzled when they are feathering but then it staightens out. But if they...
  11. karabbitry

    Arizona Chickens

    Quote: do you know when there doing the shows in phoenix, safford is too far i gone to the sheep shows but had not had a chance to go to the poultry shows The only shows that I know of in the Phoenix area are the Maricopa County Fair, which I think is in April and the AZ State Fair which is...
  12. karabbitry

    Arizona Chickens

    I don't get on here all that often so not sure if this has been posted or not, but the Arizona Poultry Organization is hosting a show and we would like to invite any and all to enter or come for a visit and see your favorite breed! Show information Arizona Poultry Organization February 26th...
  13. karabbitry

    Just Wanting to Know What You Think

    Quote: That is not always accurate. Many judges use different ways of scoring and evaluating. Some clubs require this and others require something different. This outline can give you a good idea but may not be exact. I also know that many of the counties in AZ do require showmanship to...
  14. karabbitry

    Bantam Duck Page

    Quote: Thanks,,, is the ringed brother a Khaki as well??? I ordered the book that was mentioned on call duck variaties. I hope it can clear up some of this and I will know what to look for before jumping in. Any ideas what to feed them to get alittle more weight on the breast area? I am...
  15. karabbitry

    Colombian Rock Genetics

    What do you consider to be a pure columbian rock? What are you criteria? I know of I couple of lines that crossed columbian and white and got show marked columbian bantams. They did produce some other almost bichen colored ones as well.
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