Recent content by Kat242

  1. Kat242

    Opinions needed

    Yes the girl's should have a chipmunk strip, boy's should have a strip down the back and a white dot on the head. This lil fuzzy seems to have more solid grey on the back and wings, solid yellow head and chest.... it's a cutie for sure just wondering what it is if not bielefelder.
  2. Kat242

    Opinions needed

    Ok so I just hatched out what was supposed to be my second batch of bielefelder chicks, (only one hatched, but it's only day 22 so I still have hope for at least one or two more) thing is, this chick dosent look like a bielefelder to me, any idea's on breed?
  3. Kat242

    Has anyone ever seen....

    I am a proud moma of 6 baby chicks,yay!!! But I have a question, the one with the extra yoke.. is slightly weaker then the rest, not enough to be overly concerned about. But enough that im unsure if I should wash all the gunk off of. I did a bit when it first hatched hoping to get it before it...
  4. Kat242

    Has anyone ever seen....

    Ok just a slight Update, Its day 18 and I candled everyone again. (8 in total) Everyone is still looking good... The half twin one, is really peculiar, the chick is differently still moving around in their, but now their are definitely some veins in the side with no chick. I tried to get pics...
  5. Kat242

    Has anyone ever seen....

    Thanks, that's kinda what I was thinking but since I've never seen that before wasn't sure.
  6. Kat242

    Has anyone ever seen....

    Ok used camera on kindle, not the best pics in the world but i think you can see what im talking about.
  7. Kat242

    Has anyone ever seen....

    Alright I'll try to explain this the best I can, and Monday when I get pc back I'll upload pics. Has anyone ever have half of an egg develop? Its day 14 and i candled my eggs for the 2nd time and one egg has a live moving baby but if you were to divide the egg in half length wise starting from...
  8. Kat242

    Injured juvenile Robin... NEED Help.

    So yesterday my 11yr old son found a injured Juvenile Robin in your backyard. It seems to have hit the top of its head as their is a visible sore.its head is just sorta limp, it can turning it while supported but the bird is unable to hold it up its self. and took some game bird feed turned it...
  9. Kat242

    5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

    its the freezing im more worried about. were in the middle of the deep freeze out here in Wyoming, but they haven't shipped just yet so hoping they will miss it.
  10. Kat242

    5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

    Well I wasn't planing on it but hubby ordered some silkie eggs that will arrive just in time, So ill join as well.
  11. Kat242

    I need help!!!

    Thank you, I have left it alone. Not sure if it made it or not I don't see any more movement from it but then it could be resting. I guess time will tell. Sorry for the kinda dumb question I just panicked when I checked on the eggs and babies and seen blood bubbling out of that one.
  12. Kat242

    I need help!!!

    I need help, i don't know what to do, my quail started hatching last night and everything has been going good, i have 12 happy healthy chicks. but one just piped and is bleeding pretty good, or so it seems to me, this is my first hatching experience. is this a normal thing that can happen and...
  13. Kat242

    Hatching Coturnix quail for the first time, need advice.

    Alright, Thank you I was worried with it only being day 12 that it was to early for the eggs to raise the temp, it seems like everything i have read that shouldn't happen until a two or three days before hatch day. :)
  14. Kat242

    Hatching Coturnix quail for the first time, need advice.

    Hello i need some help, im on day 12 incubating Coturnix quail for the first time, from everything i have read it is normal for the temp in the bator to rise a few degrees right before they hatch and to turn down the temp. now my question is this what is the time frame of this happening as i...
  15. Kat242

    Natural pesticides and weed killers

    DIY WEED KILLERS The easiest weed control products to use (and the least expensive) are the ones you already have on hand. The one draw back with organic weed killers is that they're not designed to protect plants like certain store-bought weed killers, so be careful to sidestep the plants you...
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