Recent content by katiek

  1. katiek

    Do you have any old Tucker Milling feed?

    Has anyone had a chance to check their barns for some old formula? Next time you are at your feed store, could you ask them if they have any old Tucker Milling Non-GMO chick starter in the back? I am super grateful!
  2. katiek

    Do you have any old Tucker Milling feed?

    Hello friends! I am on the hunt for some old Tucker Milling Non-GMO feed. Does anyone have any laying around? We are doing some research and need to run some tests on their old formula. I only need about a quart bag size of the feed (if the bag is unopened that would be even better, but I'll...
  3. katiek

    How to clean after MG/MS

    Thank you everyone for the kind words and cleaning advice. Right now I am trying to get the little dust particles out of every nook and cranny....makes me want to redesign my chicken coops.
  4. katiek

    How to clean after MG/MS

    Hello everyone, It's very saddening for me to say that I recently decided to depopulate my flock. I made the mistake of taking some chickens from a neighbor and brought MG into my flock. One by one they started getting sick and we contacted the Poultry Lab in our state. They mailed us some...
  5. katiek

    Chickens positive for MG and MS - FREE TO A GOOD HOME WITH MG FLOCK.

    Hello, thank you for your response. That is what we plan to do. We plan to kill our entire flock and start over. After reading many forum posts on here about MG, I discovered that there are some people who have MG positive flocks and have chosen to treat them and keep them anyway. We wanted...
  6. katiek

    Chickens positive for MG and MS - FREE TO A GOOD HOME WITH MG FLOCK.

    These chickens all have names and stories and are wonderful otherwise healthy birds. We have treated them with antibiotics but they tested positive for MG and MS. I made the mistake of buying chickens from a neighbor and now our entire flock is infected. We lost many chickens due to this...
  7. katiek

    Narragansett Turkey Poults wanted ASAP

    We have a turkey that just hatched 2 babies, and we want to get some chicks in the mail (or we are willing to travel a bit - we are near Chattanooga, TN), so that she can raise them all together. Please let me know if you have any chicks you can mail to us. We are looking for heritage breed...
  8. katiek

    Chickens Mysteriously Dying

    Hello, There were not many other symptoms, no deformed eggs, no purple combs, and none of the others were sneezing or wheezing. One of them did have runny poop. Should I treat them with anything? If it is respiratory, how do you suggest treating that? I offered them some diatomaceous...
  9. katiek

    Chickens Mysteriously Dying

    Hello Everyone, I made the mistake of buying chickens from a man down the road who I'd never bought from. He sold me 10 laying age chickens: 7 red star and 3 buffs who seemed to be pretty healthy when I got them. Shortly after getting them home, they started dying. I've had chickens for 7...
  10. katiek

    Wanted - Bourbon Red Hen or eggs and laying hens near Chattanooga, TN

    I don't have any for sale right now. PoultryLady sells chicks in the spring.
  11. katiek

    Chattanooga BYCers

    We are in Wildwood, GA about 15 minutes south of Chattanooga. Anyone have any laying hens, turkeys, or turkey eggs for sale?
  12. katiek

    Wanted - Bourbon Red Hen or eggs and laying hens near Chattanooga, TN

    I am looking for one or two Bourbon Red Turkey Hen of laying age or some fertilized eggs that I can put in my incubator. We are also in the market for some laying hens: Cuckoo Maran Black Austrolorp Welsummer Wyandotte (SLW or GLW) Ameracauna Rhode Island Reds or we are open to other breeds...
  13. katiek

    Poultry Hollow - Brush Creek, TN

    I can vouch for PoultryLady. I have bought many chicks and turkeys from her. She has healthy babies, clean coops, and great breeds! She also basically has an open door and is very welcoming. I will continue to buy my chicks from her! Speaking of..... got any chicks?
  14. katiek

    RIR pullets 4 sale!!!

    Where are you in TN? I live in Wildwood, GA near Chattanooga.
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