Recent content by Katix7

  1. Katix7

    Anyone Keep Multiple Roosters Successfully?

    I know…luckily they have enough space so everyone spreads out. Ten of the roosters are under 6mo old. Not sure what to do with them - they aren’t causing any issues yet but it’s on our radar. 3 of them are from the same clutch and pal around together all day with no ladies 🤷🏼‍♀️
  2. Katix7

    Anyone Keep Multiple Roosters Successfully?

    I have 10 acres and my 60 females and 15 roosters are free to go where they want. The roosters do get into fights from time to time but nothing serious - just pecking order stuff. I think you’ll be alright esp since the new rooster is young - it gives him time to watch the big rooster and know...
  3. Katix7

    Bird Flu in Illinois

    I’ve been watching the news and wondering the same thing
  4. Katix7

    Let the Incubation Begin!

    It will be fun to hear how your coop expands! Be sure to share all the stories and pictures with us. I am hoping to have an area for breeding as well…someday. I tried last month but they found the holes I left between the rafters and flew up and out. Those pesky chickens! I had no idea how high...
  5. Katix7

    Let the Incubation Begin!

    When you bring your roosters in - do they do well together or do you have pens for each of them to be alone? I would like to do some selective breeding as well but wasn’t sure how best to go about it. PS. The detail you have in this article is amazing! I just hatched some chicks in an incubator...
  6. Katix7

    Jan 16, 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    15 out of 16 made it Through hatching. The last one really struggled. it was almost out…not sure what the deal was. after it died i did take the rest of the egg off and its feet were greenish and the liner of the egg was crusty on its face. Not sure what those two things mean. The other 15 are...
  7. Katix7

    Jan 16, 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    13 chicks have hatched so far. They were so loud last night lol and very busy. The last three chicks will likely be out by noon today. These are barnyard mix though I’m sure there are some pure barred rocks due to them escaping the fenced in area everyday and going to work in the garden. Our...
  8. Katix7

    Ended Valentine's Day Contest Series—Cutest Couples Photo Contest

    this guy has TWO gfs to help him look good every morning. Not an entry unless videos are allowed. Otherwise it’s just for enjoyment :)
  9. Katix7

    Jan 16, 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    7 have hatched!! 3 more have started @preciouschick @Yard farmer :)
  10. Katix7

    Jan 16, 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I’m working late. Chicks are due tomorrow. Those little rascals started hatching without me! My husband called and said there are five out already! I shall post pics later this evening Ps - I did try candling. I think there is a chick in all 16 eggs but I could be wrong. Two of the eggs are...
  11. Katix7

    Jan 16, 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I have no idea - I’m new to this site!
  12. Katix7

    Jan 16, 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I tried that once but I must not have done something right. I’ll give it a try again tonight. Might as well try! That way of there are ones that have died I can get them out of the way for the healthy ones. I’ll let you know if I can figure it out and what the results are. The first (and only...
  13. Katix7

    Jan 16, 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    I don’t check my eggs to see if any have died (not really sure how to do that…?) so I think they are ok?? Lol I’ll find out soon!! They are due Saturday :) I just put them on the hatching deck. Ill do a Facebook live on Saturday - my friends/family like to check it out periodically through the...
  14. Katix7

    How to Introduce Chicks to Flock

    I’ve got a big area inside my coop that only little ones can get in and out of. In this area they have perches, water and food of their own. They dart in and out as they please but no full grown chickens can get in there. For the first month i didn’t see them outside of that area much but as...
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