Recent content by katknapp

  1. katknapp

    Sick three year old red star!

    Lucy is a red star that just turned three last week. She's been looking a little off lately, very lethargic, not her usual self. She seems to not be able to hold herself up very well and falls every once in a while. The other chickens have been ganging up on her and attacking her. Is there...
  2. katknapp

    I'm sooo sad !!!!!

    Nice pens! Thanks for sharing and also for letting me vent...
  3. katknapp

    I'm sooo sad !!!!!

    Quote: What's a fly pen? I hope my boys don't see your post -- they are going to up the pressure on getting our own dog
  4. katknapp

    I'm sooo sad !!!!!

    Thanks for responding. I am assuming it was a hawk because all that is left is feathers .... would a dog or other animal leave nothing else behind?
  5. katknapp

    I'm sooo sad !!!!!

    I am fairly new at having chickens (October we got 8 day old chicks - 2 were roosters that we had to give away). Now that the weather is nice I've been trying to let the girls out to free range more...I usually check on them very often but today I didn't and after an hour I went out to find...
  6. katknapp

    DE (diatomaceous earth?

    I would be interested too. They only sell non food grade in my area.
  7. katknapp

    Danger of Hawks

    I also stay close by when "the girls" are out of the run. When we had roosters they seemed to be the "guard dogs" of the flock but we couldn't keep them...I have also heard wind chimes or shiny things will keep the hawks away....
  8. katknapp

    Very Unsetteling-not graphic

    I know what you was very hard to have them go out -- you have to feel that your coop is secure. I have seen hawks in my backyard the last couple of days (a fox too) and for that reason my poor girls have not gotten to free range. Better safe than sorry (and their run is pretty big).
  9. katknapp

    Button Quail?

    Do you have pictures?
  10. katknapp

    Murray order received DOA

    Barb, I forgot to say sorry for your loss on your other order. That must have been very hard for your kids. I opened our box and was very nervous that there would be chicks that hadn't made it but they were all chirping and very active ... ate and drank right away. Good luck with your next order!
  11. katknapp

    Murray order received DOA

    Hi, We ordered 8 female chicks in late September. Their customer service was very nice and easy to deal with, however 2 of the "black star sex linked" were neither black stars nor females..... There is another thread about them
  12. katknapp

    Happy Groundhogs day! Any interesting stories on our friend or pest?

    he saw his shadow...six more weeks of winter
  13. katknapp


    Quote: We have two 17 weeks old Delaware hens and they are not showing any sign of "evilness." In fact one loves people she is very sweet.
  14. katknapp


    This recipe is called Quiche for a Crowd, it is made in a 13 x 9 baking dish and cut into squares. 2 packages Pillsbury Already Pie Crust or homemade 8 oz softened cream cheese 12 eggs 4 cups milk 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese 2 TBL chopped chives 2 1/2 teas salt 1/2 teas oregano ( I use...
  15. katknapp

    Oprah was supposed to be a female black star??????

    Patrick is ready to eat him but I just can't do it ... as annoying as the crowing can be. I found someone near me that will take him in a couple of weeks when he returns from his fishing better than in the neighbors will have to put up with the crowing for a little...
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