Recent content by kaylasmom11

  1. K

    Did a few Roos sneek into my order???

    Here are the 2 golden laced together and one of the lighter comb chick. Also there are 2 pics of the 2nd lighter comb silver laced.
  2. K

    Did a few Roos sneek into my order???

    They are just about 8 weeks old. I had 47 chicks on my order and received about 5 freebies but they were all marked female except the one free "surprise chick" The suspected Andalusian chick is actually very friendly, the silver laced wyandotte pictured is very skittish and the golden laced...
  3. K

    Did a few Roos sneek into my order???

    All hatchery sexed females ( minus one "surprise" chick but the 3 in question were in my original order.) It seems the wyandotte chicks are all getting more pink in thier combs but these two are more pronounced. I believe the black chick is an Andalusian, just the biggest comb of the bunch...
  4. K

    No self control in TSC..... what do you think these guys are??

    Thank you all for your replies! Guess I'll just have to wait and see what they end up laying and looking like as adults.
  5. K

    No self control in TSC..... what do you think these guys are??

    Also gray, just a tad lighter than their legs
  6. K

    No self control in TSC..... what do you think these guys are??

    UPDATE! Here is what the girls look like at 7ish weeks.
  7. K

    Mystery chick!

    I got this gal out of a "Pullet" bin at the local feed store. She was with mostly ameracaunas, barred Rocks, production reds and blues from what I could tell. She was the only gal who looked like this so I had to grab her. Who doesn't love a mystery?! She has greyish/ lavendar/ brown tones. She...
  8. K

    No self control in TSC..... what do you think these guys are??

    So three of them have darker heads and backs and lighter grey wings. Dark black single comb. One is lighter grey with a bit lighter single comb. All of them have a small yellow spot on their underside close to their bums
  9. K

    No self control in TSC..... what do you think these guys are??

    So I went into TSC today with my 3 year old to buy some bedding and naturally he always wants to go see the chicks. The last 3 weeks we have been in they have been sold out with not even a chick to look at! As we are walking by and he sadly says " aww mommy, no chicks again!" A super employee...
  10. K

    Light Bhrama x Silkie mix....... hen or roo??

    8 week old cutie, any idea if I have a he or a she?? Hatched from my light brahma hen and white silkie Roo.
  11. K

    Am I a roo???

    This little chick has me stumped. I thought hen for sure as it's smaller than its brothers, has no color to its comb and no wattles. It's feathering is giving me doubts! What do you think?? Its a silkie mix, silkie Roo x red sex link hen about 10 weeks old ( white chick is the one I'm...
  12. K

    Silkie mix layers?

    I am afraid the majority of them are little boys 🤪😭
  13. K

    Silkie mix layers?

    Here are a few of the babies and dad. I can tell where the barred baby came from but I'm at a loss on who the others moms could be. They sure are cute tho!
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