Recent content by kb105059

  1. kb105059

    Chicken losing feathers around head

    I only have hens roosters
  2. kb105059

    Chicken losing feathers around head

    Hello all! I have a year old Buff Orpington who I've just recently noticed has been losing feathers on her head. I've noticed for some time that the feathers on her back aren't as pretty and don't lay right. And today I noticed their is a lot of redness around her face. I would like to know what...
  3. kb105059

    First time chicken owner wondering gender of 2 chickens

    Oh good. Just what I wanted to hear. Thank you so much for your quick response!
  4. kb105059

    First time chicken owner wondering gender of 2 chickens

    Hello All! I got 6 baby chicks on Friday June 10th 2016. They were only a few days old when I got them. So now they are about 20 weeks old. I have a Rhode Island Red and a Buff Orpington that I am questioning if they are a rooster or not. The Rhode Island Red I am questionings name is Mark and...
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