Recent content by kcartwright856

  1. kcartwright856

    Don't thow the egg ou without doing this!

    Thanks so much for this information! My husband and I don't have any chickens yet and we're thinking about starting our flock from eggs. I'll definitely tap, wait patiently, and give the little chicks all the time they need!
  2. kcartwright856

    Enough room for my 6-8 chickens?

    Unfortunately, I don't have any advice for you since I'm new to all of this, but let me just say that your coop is beautiful! I love your raised bed, too!
  3. kcartwright856

    Millersburg, PA Information

    I had a heck of a time trying to find chicken laws for my small town in PA with Google and even right here on BYC! I finally got my answers, so I wanted to share them here so that the next person in my town that may be wondering can find it easily in the search engine. I called the borough...
  4. kcartwright856

    Diving into the world of BYC!

    Thank you all so much for the warm welcome! I'm glad to be here. This chicken adventure is escalating so quickly! We're now even thinking of hatching our own eggs!
  5. kcartwright856

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Just wanted to introduce myself and let everyone know that I'm following this thread! Marans are on my list of potential breeds that might be right for my family. Hope to learn more about them from you guys!
  6. kcartwright856

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Newbie from Millersburg here! Looking for friends and mentors!
  7. kcartwright856

    Diving into the world of BYC!

    Hello, everyone! My name is KC and I live with my husband, JC, our corgi, Mollie, and our cat, Madeline in Millersburg, PA. We just recently purchased our first home here in the heart of Upper Dauphin County and we're loving it. Our property is small, but living right on the bank of the...
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