Recent content by kelliott

  1. kelliott

    We ate our first home grown cornish x last night

    6+ pounder dressed. I must admit, it was pretty darn good
  2. kelliott

    First ever butcher day in the books

    Butchered a little over half of our 75 cornish -x broilers and noticed the following They stink when you scald them. About midway through I tried the old CSI trick and put vicks vapo-rub under my nostrils and that seemed to help a bit. Scalding was the trickiest bit. Too much scald and the...
  3. kelliott

    Wish me luck

    40 to 50 of our broilers are ready for butchering. Wish me luck as this is the first time for me and I will be on the front end of the processing. We have 2 kill cones, a turkey fryer for scalding, a whiz bang clone chicken plucker (picked up off of craigs list for $200) After that, i get to...
  4. kelliott

    My DIY automatic chicken POP door opener/closer

    sweet concept. I am going to subscribe to this post.
  5. kelliott

    Where can I find a good mille fleur

    My wife keeps looking at the hatchery catalogs and telling me how she wants a mille fleur rooster, but the hatcheries have such bad examples of the species. Where can I find one that is the "perfect" specimen. Serves me right for marrying a former chicken show champion.
  6. kelliott

    My chicken plucker!!

    it does what it is supposed to do, and you cant argue with the price. Any chance you can post a picture/diagram of the drive train
  7. kelliott

    My chicken plucker!!

    can you post the link, I cant see the video on my computer
  8. kelliott

    Best ideas for a DIY scalder?

    Ive got what may be a completely wacky idea. here's my thinking, bottom half of an electric water heater tank over a wood/charcoal burning fire. you could have an aquastat turn on a valve to let cold water into the tank whenever the temp exceeded a set point. You could also use the...
  9. kelliott

    New to chickens, looking for your input on deep litter.

    Thanks much, kinda what I figured. When we had the restaurant, Im the one who got to clean the fryers and the ice cream machine, so Im thinking I will be volunteered. Any advice about alergies?
  10. kelliott

    New to chickens, looking for your input on deep litter.

    Perhaps I should have labeled this thread "Marital Advice" as I am completely novice to chickens, but I have been reading as much as I can and have become interested about the benefits of deep litter. As a slight background My wife & I live in SW iowa. Me, a small town boy my whole life and...
  11. kelliott

    IA here

    Greetings from the Atlantic area. Is there anyone else from SW iowa?
  12. kelliott

    Greetings & Salutations

    Hello from Southwest Iowa. The wife & I are buying an acarage within the month and are looking forward to getting chickens
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