Recent content by KenleighFarms

  1. KenleighFarms

    The American Paint Silkie

    Check with Bobbi Porto on facebook. She is in FL as well. I don't know if she does hatching eggs though.
  2. KenleighFarms

    The American Paint Silkie

    Yes this is why we place the black in with the paints. What I was wondering though, if you bred the black splits together, what is the outcome? Do you ever get paints or just blacks from that breeding. In my orpington pens, we do splits all the time because the english gene is not diverse...
  3. KenleighFarms

    The American Paint Silkie

    I have just found this thread, so am trying to read up on 198 pages worth LOL. My question for those that have been breeding in the black or the white into the paint pens. When the offspring is white or a black, what do you do with that offspring. Do you place it back in with paints? Have...
  4. KenleighFarms

    Hatched on Day 19 and have some questions

    Yes it was the humidity =(. It was a new incubator with a humidity guage on the top with the temp. I never watch humidity as I have always used a hova bator and it is a little wonder. The reviews of the new unit said to ignore the gauges as they would be off, so I did and added water to it to...
  5. KenleighFarms

    Hatched on Day 19 and have some questions

    yes I put in a thermometer that had been tested in another incubator for correct temps and only went by that one.
  6. KenleighFarms

    Hatched on Day 19 and have some questions

    Hello all! I had two buff brahma's make their entrance on day 19 of incubation. Both are very small and one has very large eyes. Almost like bug eyes if that makes sense on a small skull. Has anyone had this issue before? I have had them on day 20, but never on day 19. More than a little...
  7. KenleighFarms

    16 week old hen has a bent neck and has difficulty walking

    I believe I might have a 5 weeks old that falls under this thread. She bends her neck forward and tucks her head up against her breast area. I thought she was grooming the first time I saw it as it isn't all the time that she is in the position and just started this week with it. However once...
  8. KenleighFarms

    Gnats in the incubator?

    whew thanks! Just sort of weird seeing them in there since I don't have them any where else in my home. I wonder if one of the eggs had a larvae on it and then it hatched and had babies? When I candle I will see if I can kill the one/s that are flying around because I don't want them there...
  9. KenleighFarms

    Gnats in the incubator?

    Has anyone ever had this? I know I haven't. When I went to fill up the water tray this evening, I noticed about 8 little dead bodies in the water tray. I just went back to check on the temperature (day 5 here) and there is one flying around in the incubator. One point is these were eggs that...
  10. KenleighFarms

    Silkies, Orpingtons, Marans, Wyandottes, Crested Cream Legbars, Polish - NEW BREEDS ADDED!

    What is the color in the 5th picture of that orpington? I can not wait till my incubator is finished on the 7th to get some of your eggs!
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