Recent content by KER414

  1. KER414

    Bald butts

    I am having the same issue. Today is the first warm day we've had in awhile and they are dust bathing. Just noticed this spot on my Buff Orpington. Do you think it's mites? Or pecking?
  2. KER414


    I have a Barred Rock who may be experiencing her first molt. I'm not sure. She has a couple bald spots but has continued laying. My other hen stopped laying when she molted. Do all hens stop laying when they're molting?
  3. KER414


    Hmm, I did leave all 4 hens on layer feed....something I didn't know, but sounds plausible. Thanks for the information. I will remember that when the others molt.
  4. KER414


    I had an EE who was going through what I thought was her first molt. She lost a lot of feathers, but otherwise seemed fine. This began in October. Yesterday, she seemed lethargic and stayed in one corner of her run. At night, she went up to her coop but was not roosting when I checked her...
  5. KER414

    Rear End Feather Loss

    Thanks so much! I considered the possibility of it being her first molt, but I thought it odd that feather loss was was all in the one place. However, after a couple days it seems maybe feathers are getting thinner in other parts of her body so I think you're right. She seems healthy otherwise...
  6. KER414

    Rear End Feather Loss

    I was out of town for about 24 hours and came home to my Easter Egger's rear end stripped bare. I believe this all happened while I was gone, but possibly could have started and I hadn't noticed shortly before I left. I have a total of four hens (no roosters) and she is the only only with this...
  7. KER414

    Do they need a heat lamp?

    I live on the Central Coast of California. Right now, the nights get down to the mid 40s. I've been thinking of putting my 5-week olds outside but am wondering if they'll need extra heat at night.
  8. KER414

    hawk attack survivor question.

    How can you tell if it's a hawk or some other kind of predator? I've only had chickens for about 9 months and just lost one yesterday. The other two are wounded and traumatized. The one I lost had puncture wounds on her back, but was not eaten. I may have scared the predator away without...
  9. KER414

    Hawk Solutions?

    My three-hen flock was attacked yesterday, leaving one dead and the other two wounded. I think it might have been a hawk, but not sure. We live in an area where there is lots of wildlife. Can anyone tell me what a hawk attack might look like? The dead bird was not eaten but had large puncture...
  10. KER414

    Goopy Eyes on my Easter Egger

    Thanks for responding! I've had my 3 hens since they were a couple days old and they're now about 22 weeks. The picture is great as I have notice a couple scabs on the comb of my buff orpington. I thought my Barred Rock, the obvious leader of the pack, had just pecked at her. My Orpington...
  11. KER414

    Goopy Eyes on my Easter Egger

    I need help in determining what's going on with my 22-week-old Easter Egger. I noticed her eyes seeming runny and goopy last night and this morning one of them is closed and the other is barely open. At times, she has her beak open and doesn't want to leave her roost. Other than those...
  12. KER414

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    No, there is almost no comb...that's the one thing that has me thinking she's a she. My husband disagrees! Thanks for taking the time to look. I appreciate the help!
  13. KER414

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    These aren't the best pics, but we're wondering if this "female" is maybe a male? She's about 10 weeks old, I think. Can anyone help determine the sex with these photos? Thanks so much!
  14. KER414

    Can my 4 week old chicks live outside?

    My 4-week-olds are in the coop at night with a light. However, they don't seem to want to go down the ramp to the run during the day. At one point, one of them was panting from the heat so I manually put them out. Then had to manually put them in at night. Any suggestions?
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