Recent content by khaehnel

  1. khaehnel

    Well Here it Is, 3 Hour "Quick Coop" PIC HEAVY!

    You probably already answered this somewhere but how did you keep the bucket/nesting boxes from rolling around? Are they attached to the 2X4 or the back wall?
  2. khaehnel

    Super aggressive attacks

    So, getting rid of one , the rest of the flock settled down and coexisted just fine or did she share her torturoustricks with all the others? Does having a rooster provoke any of these habits?
  3. khaehnel

    Super aggressive attacks

    Hi, I have 6 golden comet that are a year and a half and 5 Araucana hens/ with 1 Araucana rooster that will be a year old in april. In the last four days, I have had two severe bloody attacks. I thought the first was the rooster so I seperated him from the rest. The first was a comet that was...
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