Recent content by kidwithchickens

  1. kidwithchickens

    Help! Pasty Butt

    I need to wash my chicks vent, but I don't want them to get wet and cold. Any suggestions? Also how can I prevent pasty butt!
  2. kidwithchickens

    Pasty Butt?

    A few of my chicks have poop stuck to there butts. It's like they were in the middle of pooping and some of it is around the vent feathers. Is this normal? Please help! I'm brand new at this and a little paranoid.
  3. kidwithchickens

    Sliddish Chicks!

    Hi. We got chicks about a week ago. We have 3 Barred Rocks and 3 Orphingtons. The Barred Rocks are great. Fall asleep in our lap, let us pet them etc. But the Orphintons, which I thought would be the kindest of them all, are very skiddish. Is this normal? I'm brand new at this, so I don't know...
  4. kidwithchickens

    Chicken laws in NJ

    I need Long Valley if someone can please please help! Also how in the world do you start a new thread? I'm sorry for doing this in a comment except I don't know how to do it normally!
  5. kidwithchickens

    Any Tips For First Timers???

    I live in New Jersey. We have very cold winters and very hot summers ): How big (in feet) should I make the coop, run and brooder? We are getting 6 chicks (2 Orpington, 2 Brahma, 2 Australia Lops) Do you guys have any names? I was thinking Lemon Pepper for a Brahma.
  6. kidwithchickens

    Any Tips For First Timers???

    Thank you! We live in North America. We have a (badly) fenced in yard, but we are redoing it. We live right in front of woods, so we have many predators. Foxes, coyotes, dogs, cats ect. We are really having trouble picking and predator proofing our coop. Another thing I'm having trouble with...
  7. kidwithchickens

    Any Tips For First Timers???

    Hi! I'm just starting out with chickens. I havent ordered them yet. My family is stuggling with the coop. Any ideas (pictures, tips, plans) I've decided on the breeds Orpington and Brahma. Any tips for those breeds? I would love to see pictures! Thanks for your help!
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