Recent content by KilbournFarmhouse

  1. K

    "Extra" juvenile molt and protein needs?

    It's 16%, but I have been offering more mealworms while we learn more which they have gobbled up more quickly than usual which prompted the question. Maybe that's enough? Our feed store says they haven't been able to get our brand's offering in higher protein due to supply chain issues and I'd...
  2. K

    "Extra" juvenile molt and protein needs?

    My hens are about 7 months old. They are showing signs of a light molt with downy feather shedding around neck and bottoms, and consensus in past forum posts seems to indicate that hens sometimes experience an additional juvenile molt like this around this age. They all started laying about 6...
  3. K

    Chicken Being bullied

    What ended up happening? I am dealing with this now in my small flock, but the bullied hen did get injured one day. I'm curious what you did and if anything changed.
  4. K

    Chickens not going into coop....only since cold snap?

    Ours was not set on a light sensor, but yes. The power wasn't operating consistently, which was caused issues with the clock and thus the opening and closing time. Eventually it stopped working all together. It was a connection from the battery pack to the opener that was the issue and we were...
  5. K

    Extreme Feather Pulling

    While not exactly the same, we had a similar situation recently and it has been challenging! In our case, I believe it is feather picking and they are also eating the feathers sometimes. We were advised that additional nutrients might be needed and it was suggested that we add kelp to their food...
  6. K

    Chickens not going into coop....only since cold snap?

    Turns out it was the beginning of a malfunction with the control on our automatic door. We ended up having to open/close it manually for a bit and then replaced some parts (power pack) and everything has been seamless since. We did adjust the time recently which has to happen every so often, and...
  7. K

    Chickens not going into coop....only since cold snap?

    Thanks! What I'd had before worked because days were getting shorter so now I guess I need a wider spread as days get longer.
  8. K

    Chickens not going into coop....only since cold snap?

    I'll try setting it later then. The settings haven't been an issue until now so I didn't think of it! Our windchill temp is currently -17 so I'll save sticking around to observe them for when this weather breaks.
  9. K

    Chickens not going into coop....only since cold snap?

    It is on a timer but just updated the closing time recently. Today, sunset here was around 5:20. Timer is set for 5:45. Should it be later?
  10. K

    Chickens not going into coop....only since cold snap?

    That's a really interesting idea! Seems plausible for sure. I will try setting the timer a bit later and see what happens.
  11. K

    Chickens not going into coop....only since cold snap?

    Today all 4 were out after the door closed though, and there isn't a single one who hasn't missed the door at least once on their own or with another friend. Coop got a quick clean out today and no sign of any other critters, but we will check again for sure.
  12. K

    Chickens not going into coop....only since cold snap?

    We have a flock of 4 hens, all about 21 weeks old. They picked up going into the coop to roost at night within a couple of days of being moved outside this Fall. They did so daily without a single issue, until our recent cold and snowy weather. Almost every night for the past few weeks we find...
  13. K

    Looking for camera for coop

    This is helpful. Thanks so much! I didn't even think of an exterior extender. Bonus is also better work from home options in the Spring and Summer. Zoom meetings from the garden!
  14. K

    Looking for camera for coop

    We just got Wyze wireless outdoor cameras. We're planning to install in our run. One concern we have is interference/bad reception with all of the hardware cloth. My husband had issues using his iPad in the enclosure when his parents asked to see chickens on Facetime. I know it wasn't a range...
  15. K

    Food Storage Ideas

    Thank you! We have a chest freezer with room and I never would have thought to freeze it.
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