Recent content by kimbalaya

  1. kimbalaya

    Who else had their chicks BEFORE they built their coop?

    My chicks spent the last 6 months at a friend's house because our coops wasn't finished. We got them with every intention of building their coop last summer but when they were about 12 weeks old we still didn't have our coop built and we were going out of town. Friends about a mile away had just...
  2. kimbalaya

    Muddy Coop Club

    Count me in on the muddy coop club. The soggy mess I used to call my yard is so ridiculous. Worse is that in February we had 3 weeks of no rain (which was amazing for southern Oregon), but we were still muddy then because as it turned out, there's a 2-inch galvanized water line underground about...
  3. kimbalaya

    Easter Egger club!

    Lucky, 7 week old Roo Charlotte, 7 week old pullet Cleo, 7 week old pullet (brown one in the middle)
  4. kimbalaya

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Quote: What a beauty! I have a BLRW pullet, about 7 weeks old now. I hope she turns out as pretty as yours.
  5. kimbalaya

    Is my SLW a Roo or pullet?

    Well, dagnabbit! Why the heck did I pay extra for a pullet over straight-run, then!??
  6. kimbalaya

    Is my SLW a Roo or pullet?

    My husband is all concerned that one of our SLW may also be a Roo, as we've recently discovered one of our Easter Eggers is one. They're about 7 weeks old. I couldn't get a good side view, but what has him concerned was that the tail feathers were standing fairly straight up when they were...
  7. kimbalaya

    Chickens free-ranging for the first time

    Ours free ranged for the first time last evening. They were only out about a half hour before it was getting dark and before I knewit, all 15 of them (about 7 weeks old) were back in the coop.
  8. kimbalaya

    Easter Egger club!

    I have 3 EE's - sold as Ameracauna's but they were all from the Grange Co-op, so I'm sure they're EE's. They're all about 6 to 7 weeks old. Here is Charlotte (the EE) with my youngest, who just turned 5. This is Lucky. Not the best picture, but here is Cleo (with Charlotte in the back left)
  9. kimbalaya

    Ameracauna vs EE / Pullet vs Roo

    He's also the only one of the 15 that pecks at my hands when I reach for any of them. LOL Uh oh... DH says if he gets obnoxious, he's gone. I think he's pretty, and I'm still pretty sure he's my only Roo, so what's one roo out of 15 chickens? Pretty good IMO! The rest of the flock are pictured...
  10. kimbalaya

    Ameracauna vs EE / Pullet vs Roo

    I'm wondering if this is an Ameracauna or an Easter Egger. I'm guessing EE, it was from the Grange Co-op after all, even though they said Ameracauna. I'm also wondering/suspecting "she" is actually a "he". We bought him/her on June 6 at probably 4 days old, so we're right around 6 or 7 weeks...
  11. kimbalaya

    question on homeschooling

    Another great book is Dr. Raymond Moore's "Better Late than Early", as well as his other book "School Can Wait". I work from home and homeschool my girls. Granted, I only work part-time, and do most of my work after they've gone to bed. And they're both doing kindergarten right now, so we...
  12. kimbalaya

    EE chicks! Please share pics of your babies!

    Cleo at a couple days old Cleo about a month old Charlotte at a couple days old Charlotte about a month old Lucky at a couple days old Lucky about a month old
  13. kimbalaya

    Keeping cool on 100 degree day - ha ha ha

    Yeah, I'm in Oregon too, it's 99 degrees out at almost 5:30 p.m. My poor month-old-chicks were panting! I put a lawn sprinkler nearby and it's been running all day, just close enough to the coop to cool the air around them without getting it all wet. Bad for my water bill, better for my chicks!
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