Recent content by kimerzde

  1. kimerzde

    Green Egger Naked Neck Thread

    My daughter picked up two lavender orps, and while she was there the lady had two naked neck olive egg babies, so she bought them for me because she knows how much I love my naked necks. Soo excited to watch them grow. I hope they are both hens!
  2. kimerzde

    Opinion on letting broody chicken hatch partially incubated turkey eggs

    Keep us posted I have a turkey hen sitting on her eggs and Muscovy duck eggs? The turkey and two ducks are sharing a nest. Won't let me near it so I'm just letting them do their thing.
  3. kimerzde

    community brood nest

    My Muscovy ducks went broody about a week ago. Two of them have been sharing a nest and it was working well until yesterday when I saw a lone turkey egg with the ducks. Today I found the turkey hen sitting on the nest with an additional 5 turkey eggs. Will she move off when the turkeys hatch and...
  4. kimerzde

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    okay thanks, next time I will know better...
  5. kimerzde

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    oh I get how to reply to a specific post, lol... I'm a little slow, Sydney, no way would I keep that many birds in such a small enclosure. They will free range during the day and that will be their own private broody home when the girls decide to nest next spring.
  6. kimerzde

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    That's only their night time pen. They will share the acre with two geese and several chickens. I don't believe in keeping them penned up all day, seems mean to me. We will eat 5 of them so there would only be 3 in there if they had to be locked up for short period of time. That would be mean...
  7. kimerzde

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    So question on eating old hens. How do you make them not be so rubbery? We tried an old hen and she was awful. I baked her like a normal chicken. Any suggestions? I hate to kill the old girls just cause and not even use them.
  8. kimerzde

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    So I'm not new to turkeys, had a Burbon Red, named grumpy who lived to ripe old age of 8. He was sweet and never hurt me or any of the family. Got him because a farmer told me Turkeys and Geese chase the Eagles away. Watched an unknown black/white turkey hen I got at the Feed store chase the...
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