Recent content by Kittymom

  1. Kittymom

    mysterous sudden death of hens.

    Hi everyone. I've just lost 2 of my hens, they were my favorite girls too. 5 days ago my first girl died. at first we thaught that perhaps she had had an injury due to a falling piece of roofing from enclosure, she had aslo been having a problem with eggs - either shelless or very thin...
  2. Kittymom

    No eggs???

    I have 4 hens, a Barred Plymouth Rock, Red New Hampshire, Blue Wyandotte, & an Ameraucana all are 28 weeks old, 3 of them have been laying daily since they each started. my 4th girl, the Ameraucana has been going in and sitting on the nest everyday for a week but has not produced any eggs. She...
  3. Kittymom

    Chicken LORE Project - Find & Submit Local Chicken Laws & Ordinances

    I looked up the laws/ordinances for poulty in San Luis Obispo, CA - found 1 listing for San Louis Obispo & 1 for San Luis Obispo - the correct Spelling for the City/County is San Luis Obispo, CA. I also noted that each had a slightly different allowance one was 20 & the other was 25. Housing...
  4. Kittymom

    Listless pullet

    I spoke with my Vet this morning. He said the 2 stool samples that he ran did show definate coccidiosis. His thought was that perhaps the kidneys had been affected/damage thus the reason for the quick down hill turn. So even though no bloody diarrhea or even diarrhea was noted it would pay...
  5. Kittymom

    Listless pullet

    I'm glad your girl is better. Yes I am doing a prophylactic treatment on the rest of my girls. I'm still not sure that coccidiosis was the problem. There may have been something else wrong as she was the smaller of my two Americanas & they were of the same age. Anyway I'm glad I was able to...
  6. Kittymom

    Listless pullet

    I have some sad news to report, my pullet didn't make it, I found a local source for the Corid but she was to far gone, I put her down this afternoon. Just got an e-mail from a vendor that I had ordered some waterers from. It just happened to talk about Coccidious so thaught I would pass it on...
  7. Kittymom

    Listless pullet

    Skypatrol your research encouraged me to do more research myself. I found another site worth looking at on how to manage a flock to treat & prevent a major coccidia problem. It also recomments the use of Corid over Sulmet.
  8. Kittymom

    Listless pullet

    I've read that yogurts acts as a probiotic - I use the plain greek style yogurt. The girls really like & I use it only as a treat at this point maybe 1 Tablespoon/5 birds.
  9. Kittymom

    Listless pullet

    thanks for the in put. I finally decided to contacted the person that I got the pullets from, he said it sounded like Coccidiosis & that I should try sulmet in the water. however I have not been able to locate a local supplier. one supplier said they haven't been able to get it lately. Will...
  10. Kittymom

    Listless pullet

    I purchased 5 - 3 month old pullets from the local poultry club a month ago. up until 2 weeks ago they were all doing well eating, drinking, in general very active. Then 1 of the girls started to act a little listless & walked around hunched up but still eating & drinking, Stools appear...
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