Recent content by kjmom23

  1. kjmom23

    Escambia county laws regarding backyard chickens

    I live in Escambia County. The law currently states that you can only have "farm" animal and/or livestock if you are zoned agricultural or rural and have a minimum 2 acres of land. Oddly enough if you live in Pensacola city limits, I'm told, it is legal to keep hens. Go figure. Hope that helps.
  2. kjmom23

    Sponsored Post Congratulations MamaNini! You won a beautiful coop from Handcrafted Coops!

    The best advice I've been given is to be patient, with yourself and your birds. Like any new "parent" you'll make mistakes. You can (and should) research, but some things only come through practical experience. Everything I read said my hens would lay by 6mo. When mine didn't, a wonderful lady...
  3. kjmom23

    roos or pullets???

    Quote: I didn't know that. I just figured our little roo was younger than the other two. He was smaller at first, but he's the biggest now.
  4. kjmom23

    Well it's official....

    Yep, that's what happened to us. I kept trying to fool myself into believing Sparkle was a girl, even with the darker comb and the jumping on the other two until their tail feathers started coming out. Then he started crowing. Now he's Sparky Sue the Roo (thanks gingerc and naakte) .
  5. kjmom23

    Snapping turtles and three legged chickens..

    OMG, that was crazy!
  6. kjmom23

    Super sad day )O:

    I am so sorry. Hope things go well for your remaining little one and hatching egg.
  7. kjmom23

    ADORABLE BABY MONKEY (and a pig)

    My kids liked the video AND the song-
  8. kjmom23

    12+ Orpington Hatching Eggs

    They are adorable! I'm so going to set up to hatch eggs. My kids would love watching that. I hope you have some for sale again when I'm set up.
  9. kjmom23

    Hoop coop project finally complete

    Very nice. A hoop coop is what I'm hoping for when I have a few more hens. "Biddy City" is awesome.
  10. kjmom23

    new in Florida

    Quote: I'm near Pensacola-looks like about 8 hrs away from you. A bit too far of a drive, but thanks for the offer.
  11. kjmom23

    new in Florida

    Hi! I'm Kimberly in Florida. We're just starting off with chickens. We had three Buff Orpington pullets that we purchased in March (my birthday present- it's great to be married to someone who understands you). We lost one right after they went outside. She wormed her way out of the pen and into...
  12. kjmom23

    My daughter's "pullet" is crowing...

    He's crowing like an adolescent boy whose voice is changing- cock-a-doo-er, screech- hack flaps wings and struts, cock-a-screech, hack, hack. Maybe it is a stuck feather LOL. I'll try to post some pic this afternoon.
  13. kjmom23


    kjmom23 in Pensacola
  14. kjmom23

    My daughter's "pullet" is crowing...

    does this mean what I think it means? Is Sparkle really Sparky?
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