Recent content by kmpaulick

  1. kmpaulick

    unknown illness 12 wk pullet -please help ID!!

    I just got a trio of Ameracaunas from a local person (who ordered the chicks from a hatchery) two days ago and one of them has fallen ill. She was standing yesterday but today she can’t stand, isn’t eating and is overall very lethargic (eyes closed, head drops to the ground). If I hold the...
  2. kmpaulick

    PLEASE HELP! wattle turning black

    The black part of the wattle is firmer/tougher feeling than the red part. I’m starting to suspect it’s getting wet when he drinks (I really need to make the switch to chicken nipples but have heard they freeze up too easily). I’m in Alaska and it’s definitely cold (around 0 right now), but the...
  3. kmpaulick

    PLEASE HELP! wattle turning black

    My BO rooster’s wattle has been slowly turning black over the past month or two. His comb is in good shape, there’s no swelling and he doesn’t seem to be in pain or ill in any other way. The coop is draft-free, dry, and has good insulation (they’re very spoiled) and none of the rest of the...
  4. kmpaulick

    Entire coop wiped out last night :(

    Sounds like a fox to me too. We lost a couple hens recently and found them headless and lightly buried by a fox. Between a fox and an owl, we've had a rough summer...down to one lonely hen. Seems a shame to get more just to feed the predators, but I hate to keep them locked in the run all the...
  5. kmpaulick

    Add chicks or grown hen(s)?

    I'm sorry to hear about your poor hens! We're in a somewhat similar situation. We've had what I suspect is a fox, recently take 3 hens, leaving us with only two (and another in the "chicken infirmary, healing up from being pecked by an older hen --older hen was one taken by the, in a...
  6. kmpaulick

    Help! 12 wk pullet pecked to the skull

    Do you have any recommendations for specific antibiotics? I have only given her topical at this point. I gave something oral (in her water) to a different chicken who was attacked by an owl last summer (can't recall the name of it though). Thank you!
  7. kmpaulick

    Help! 12 wk pullet pecked to the skull

    I have had 12 wk old pullets (3) mingling with the older hens (3) by day and separating them at night with good success for the past few days. Prior to that I had the pullets in a large wire dog kennel inside the run by day so everyone could get used to each other. I have one really aggressive...
  8. kmpaulick

    Integrating chicks to existing "flock"

    I've got 10 wk old chicks in a metal dog cage IN the run during the day so the old hens can see them. By night I bring them back into a dog crate in the garage to sleep. I've tried free ranging them but the "alpha" hen immediately attacked two of the chicks. It's too cold where I live to...
  9. kmpaulick

    missing head, mostly AK so some common ones off the list

    Please help!! My sweetest, favorite Buff Orp (Mable) was found tonight, when we noticed we were one short as the girls headed to their house. Eventually found her in the woods. Some feathers around but not a bunch, head and crop missing. I almost didn't notice her, she was probably 75%...
  10. kmpaulick

    Comment by 'kmpaulick' in article 'Seasonal Concerns'

    I've heard of them definitely losing toes to frost bite, but not the whole foot. Giving them a wide roost seems to be the best bet for keeping their feet warm.
  11. kmpaulick

    Free ranging in snow?

    Our coop door automatically opens from 10:30 -4pm (this time of year) and the temps get down to 30 below with wild (70mph winds). The girls want to go outside no matter how cold or windy it is --UNTIL there is more than a couple inches of snow. Even on a "balmy" 20F day, they stay in their...
  12. kmpaulick

    What treat did your chickies get today?

    blueberry pancakes :)
  13. kmpaulick

    Hello from Alaska!

    Hi There! We're in AK too (valley) and we got our chicks from a woman in the Butte. Check out CL, in the farm & garden section, people are regularly selling pullets this time of year (chicks usually in the spring). If you let people know you're looking, it won't be much time at all before you...
  14. kmpaulick

    Suggestions for ventilation for my Alaskan coop

    Hi There, I'm new to chickens too and living in AK (the valley). I've been worrying over the ventilation-draft issue as well. The coop we build is small and heavily insulated (2" thick foamboard lined with vinyl on the inside). We've got a large window on one side and two 12" square...
  15. kmpaulick

    three piles of feathers, no other clues....ideas

    After being fairly certain it was a fox, tonight I saw the culprit try to take another hen --right in front of me-- It was a great horned owl! Even though it was trying to tear my poor little BO apart, it was a pretty amazing creature...and HUGE! All told two of the original three missing...
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