Recent content by kpg115

  1. kpg115

    Wanted: laying hens PA/DE/NJ

    I'm looking for one or two laying hens of any breed other than RIR or white leghorn. If you have any to sell or know of a place that does in southeastern PA or the surrounding area, please let me know.
  2. kpg115

    Run Maintenance

    What do you do to maintain your chicken run/yard? I have a yard fenced off so my chickens can wander in and out of the coop during the day while I'm at work. They're starting to scratch up all the grass and it's been raining a lot lately and it is very hot/humid, so the yard is starting to...
  3. kpg115

    Spots in brown eggs

    My Rhode Island Reds' eggs sometimes have those tiny brown specks - they're like the size of a pin head, usually just one speck per egg when there's a speck. We just eat them anyways.
  4. kpg115

    Anyone make cheese?

    I've never made it, but I've been reading about it. You can buy the cultures necessary to make the cheese online and you need to make sure the milk you're using is not ultra-pasteurized.
  5. kpg115

    When to introduce chicks to older hens?

    Thank you all so much! The pictures are especially helpful. My coop is big enough, so I'll section it off until they can get used to each other.
  6. kpg115

    When to introduce chicks to older hens?

    I couldn't find a consistent answer to this. I have 2 buff orpington chicks, about 5 weeks old. I am going to get a few more hens that have just started laying. The general consensus seems to be that the older hens will pick on the smaller pullets and should be separated at first. I've heard...
  7. kpg115

    WANTED: Pullets in PA

  8. kpg115

    Have a Great Coop..looking for a couple of nice hens !!

    I found out that there is a livestock auction (including chickens) tomorrow (Saturday) at "Cowtown" in Jersey ( ) at 1PM where you can probably find some hens
  9. kpg115

    WANTED: Pullets in PA

    I'm starting a small flock of hens and am looking for pullets. I am getting 2 4-week-old buff orpingtons and am looking for others (ideally other breeds) around the same age or a little older to add. If you have any to sell or know of anyone looking to sell, please let me know. I'm willing to...
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