Recent content by krisg

  1. krisg

    a pair of Sebastopol Geese

    I am so sorry to hear about you placing your Sebbies. I purchased eggs from you earlier this year, 2 hatched and I still have 1 gosling. (my dog got the other and now the dog is gone.) My husband and I love Gooser Girl tons! She is so smart and adorable. She is an outdoor/indoor goose as...
  2. krisg

    2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread

    I do think they buy some from hatcheries and resell and then they are Marek's vaccinated. This is handy for those who just wanted a few birds and most hatcheries have at least a 15 minimum plus shipping. I went to the house. It is, maybe, 26 x 30 and old with several additions. The basement...
  3. krisg

    2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread

    Now that I saw you are in Wisconsin I am pretty sure who you are talking about-- I saw the same ad for the supposed Sebbie. She does not breed all of her birds, some woman in Park Falls or somewhere over there does, and she sell them second handed for someone else. I purchased chicks from...
  4. krisg

    2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread

    I am a "newbie" to sebbies, but I agree with RuRu regarding the cost of a sebbie gosling. From everything I have seen I would question a $20 gosling and why a friend was selling the goslings for a owner. Unfortunately, you have learned you really need to do research on whom you are buying from...
  5. krisg

    2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread

    I have a hatched gosling!! This one is loud and busy and not even dried off yet. One of the other eggs with this one has externally pipped so this will hopefullu have a sibling. Thanks for all your support and kind words I really appreciate it. Pete the "hatching egg guru" thank you for...
  6. krisg

    2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread

    The gosling responds to my talking and I hope it's out soon. I hope so! Thx
  7. krisg

    2013 Sebastopol Breeding/Gosling Thread

    I have a gosling hatching it is external pipping or actually singing/chirping even over the sound of the fan and tv at times. I can let it go and let it do it's own thing?? I have never incubated anything, please respond. Thanks You Kris
  8. krisg

    thinking about Guinea Fowl...Need Advice~ Questions?

    This is my first year with chickens, too, and I love the chickies! I git them late and they are only 6 weeks. I just got a rooster from a friend and he is really neat, but about 4-5 month. I just got 3 guineas from someone who couldn't keep them they are this years spring hatch and after them...
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