Recent content by KrissyroxNJ

  1. KrissyroxNJ

    Chukar Patridge eggs, a few questions =)

    I saved some chukar partridges in January from a live meat market. I had no clue if I had boys or girls or ages... today I found a small egg! My question is, do I just them do their thing? Is it an egg that will hatch? She isn't sitting on the egg at all but again I have been checking and this...
  2. KrissyroxNJ

    Is it even worth to keep them as pets?

    I rescued 4 chukar partridges from a meat market in January. I had no clue what sex they were. One flew away ... the other three were doing quite well together and I figured I would know if I had boys or girls if there was eggs .... well I go to give them food and find my one partridge scalped...
  3. KrissyroxNJ

    Anyone have partridge as pets?

    I know this post is old but do you still have Chukars ? I have some and had some questions if you wouldn’t mind answering ! Thank you
  4. KrissyroxNJ

    Chukar partridge was injured in a fight. Injured neck, PLEASE HELP

    Hi, the three partridges that I rescued had a fight. I had no idea which ones were boys or girls, so I guess now I know. My one chukar injured the other badly and I don't knows injur how to help. I think he tore his feathers off and made him bleed but I do not know the extent of his injuries...
  5. KrissyroxNJ

    New Jersey

    Any ideas of where to purchase the Amish coop? Thank You
  6. KrissyroxNJ

    New Jersey

    What mill yard? I would like to have a coop built and placed on my property if possible!
  7. KrissyroxNJ

    Need help choosing between two plastic coops!!!

    Ok, these coops may not be the traditional type, but I have heard some good things about them. I was wondering what everyone on here thought about these coops. Obviously my concern would be predators. What do you think about these from the standpoint of safety and ease of use, and assembly time...
  8. KrissyroxNJ

    Chicken coop company

    I have a prefab coop, I don't remember where from, but I knew I needed some support for it... so we have an NJchickenman who does what he calls a China rehab coop, which basically reinforces it.. add wood, wire mesh, added doors, and steps and perch bars... I think a prefab coop could work but...
  9. KrissyroxNJ

    New Jersey

    Is this the Amish coop ?
  10. KrissyroxNJ

    New Jersey

    I love your coop !
  11. KrissyroxNJ

    New Jersey

    The coop for my partridges was a store bought coop and here in NJ we have the chicken man who does what he calls China coop rehab... he put my coop up on wood, insulated the roof, added stairs and reinforced it with wood and just made it a much nicer coop. Might be worth it just buy a nicer coop !
  12. KrissyroxNJ

    New Jersey

    Hi does anyone know where I can purchase a chicken coop in northern NJ for 6 chickens ish? Looking for it to be easy to put together or already assembled. Used or new is fine. Thank you
  13. KrissyroxNJ

    Please help! My escaped partridge wants to come home ! How do I safely catch him ?

    I have the havehart small animal trap set to super sensitive right by the coop .... so far nothing and it’s been like 3-4 days.... I wonder do I need a quail or gamebird trap? I can’t find any locally so I would have to purchase it online.
  14. KrissyroxNJ

    Please help! My escaped partridge wants to come home ! How do I safely catch him ?

    Ok so I leave the bottom part the run open.... I like your idea with the carabiner cause i had no clue that raccoons could open locks! Thank You
  15. KrissyroxNJ

    Please help! My escaped partridge wants to come home ! How do I safely catch him ?

    Yes, out of the four he is the most flighty and nervous! I looked all over my back yard and haven't seen him in a few days. I hope he comes home soon. I am going to order a pole and try some tricks you have mentioned
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