Recent content by krkyoldhag

  1. krkyoldhag

    how much do you charge for your eggs?

    Davemn you so right. I would never hesitate to give eggs to anyone having financial problems. I remember in the 50's my mother furnished eggs to all the neighbors. And sometimes to bake a cake she had to wait til a chicken layed an egg or two...for herself b/c she had given away all we...
  2. krkyoldhag

    how much do you charge for your eggs?

    With my first hens I did try to sell the eggs..but people would come by and say oh I need a dozen ..and never pay...(neighbors) So when they stopped laying I started buying from a lady for $2.50 a dozen because I love farm eggs. She got to where she was always sold out when I would stop...
  3. krkyoldhag

    Do chickens make snakes worse?

    That so called teacher who threw a snake should have been suspended. I went to the Dallas Zoo to try to figure how to tell if snake was poisonous..All I remember for sure is that you supposed to look at their eyes.. The rule is either if they are set down on pointy nose or higher on head...
  4. krkyoldhag

    I can't seem to peel my hard boiled eggs - page 8 Solution!

    Notice next time you boil eggs from store: Do they kind of stand on end in the water? They are OLD eggs. I suppose they still good enough to eat, maybe.. But its the main reason I started raising chickens. I know my eggs are fresh. But I mean the day you bring these eggs home from...
  5. krkyoldhag

    I can't seem to peel my hard boiled eggs - page 8 Solution!

    How to boil perfect eggs: Place eggs in cold water in pan. Bring water to a boil. Turn off heat, place plate or lid over pan, set the pan aside and leave for 10 minutes. If water cooled when you ready to peel them, crack and crush the shell by rolling gently on table. The shells will peel...
  6. krkyoldhag

    intergrading my 2 flocks

    I have 3 old hens, 3 old roosters, 12 Three month olds, and 50 3 week old chickens. So ...from what you saying..risky to pen them together. BUT do you think would be successful putting the 12 and 50 together ? The old ones are pets..long past prime but we don't eat our pets. any advice is...
  7. krkyoldhag

    confussed about feed

    You are ok with anything except the layer pellets or feed. Chicks do not need layer feed until they ready to lay eggs. Think about this...and it brings comfort to me when I worry about them: chickens have thrived for centuries just scratching in the yard and eating that's a head...
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