Recent content by Krosemary

  1. K

    Eggs are hatching!

    All 3 fluffed up nice and dry and are in the brooder under their heat plate 🥰
  2. K

    Eggs are hatching!

    I'm trying to attach photos that are small enough 😅 I was so worried about accidentally harming the poor thing and was so glad she finally gave in to her sisters poking and prodding and yelling at her to just get out of her shell
  3. K

    Eggs are hatching!

    I'm glad I was patient, baby #3 is finally here all by herself and I have incubated and hatched eggs for the first time!
  4. K

    Eggs are hatching!

    They all pipped at around 4 pm yesterday so around 20 hours ago
  5. K

    Eggs are hatching!

    It is now 12:25 and still nothing... the other two are pretty fluffy and almost dry and I still see a beak but I'm starting to get nervous about chick #3.
  6. K

    Eggs are hatching!

    Day 21 and my chicken eggs pipped. 2 out of 3 have now hatched overnight, but 1 is going on 12 hours. I am being patient as I know it can take a bit but this egg has a saddle shaped air sac unlike the others and is much larger than the others. Can the size of the egg and the air sac affect the...
  7. K

    Candling day 5

    This is one I took out because I wasn't sure about the yolk and then decided to make sure and ask
  8. K

    Candling day 5

    This is one that has blood vessels
  9. K

    Candling day 5

    Hi! Can anyone help me out? This is my first time and I'm trying to learn on my own.. 1. Are blood rings always distinct/fairly obvious? 2. Do yolks move around as you turn the egg? 3. On day 5 would I definitely see blood vessels and a dark spot if the egg were viable? Thanks!
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