Recent content by KSANDERS1


    Gosling pulling own down/feathers from its back

    Hi. My goslings are outside. Also, there is no heatlamp. They are about 2 wks old. My Roman tufted gosling is pulling the down off its own back. He is slightly bleeding. The other goslings are not bothering it. I have used some of the blue antiseptic on the gosling. I'm thinking the gosling...

    Yuletime goose?

    I'm new here, and I'm new to geese. (I have 11 of them, about 9 days old.) I've heard of people who roast Christmas goose, but I can't imagine that too many of those same people actually have a hand in raising them. Goslings are cute and sweet and very personable. Research shows that as they...

    Goosey Goosey Gander - all growing up - Photo Heavy

    Miss Prissy, your babies are so pretty. They're huge! Mine are just over a week, now. They're also getting big, smart and ever so sassy. I can't believe they have the potential to be in our lives from 20 to 40 years. Today, the temperature here is suppose to reach over 90 degrees. So, we're...

    someone have info on muscovies

    Hey, everybody, Today, hubby brought home 2 ducklings, a muscovy and a mallard. They're very tiny. The mallard is noisy, and the muscovy only rarely sounds off. I tried putting them w/ my 11 goslings, which are less than a week old. The gosllings picked on the ducklings, though. So, now they're...


    I know you'll probably laugh but somebody who is from this area where I live recommends pouring grits onto the ant hills. She says the ants carry the dry grits into the hills where they ingest it, their saliva makes it swell, and it kills them. I figure the grits won't hurt the chickens, so it...

    My chicken keeps scratching his head or rubbing beak on floor of koop

    My chickies do that when they get a taste of chicken poopy. They try to wipe it off as quickly as possible.

    What is "setting an egg"? -Seriously

    Thanks, for the rapid response ... both of you.

    What is "setting an egg"? -Seriously

    I just read Bill Worrell's article on dry incubation, published in the learning center. The article mentions setting eggs. I've come across the phrase in other places, too. Am I right to assume that setting an egg means meerly to position an egg in the egg holder to incubate? I'm sorry, but it...

    when and how do we get past being "out of the brooder"

    I'm out of the brooder! Out of the Brooder! out of the Brooder! Woot! Woot! Woot! :ya:woot:bun:bun:bun:woot

    Geese and duck 5 week picture update!

    I love your baby dewlaps. I would love to get some, but I know the season has passed. Can you tell me how far ahead I should try to order them next year? Should I get on a waiting list, now? I love all my goslings, but the dewlaps were my first choice.

    Red Bourbon shots. Errrr, pix.

    Your baby gobbles are so cute, and I love the title to your post! (oops, punctuation.)

    Gosling Pics,

    I would love to know all their sexes, but I'm not about to do the vent thing. If I did know, it would ease my mind, though. I've promised four of them to other people. It's going to be so hard letting any of them go. I have 2 of the all yellows, but one has the orange sheen. I thought that might...

    What do you do for a living? Anyone work w/animals for a job???

    I'm a stay at home mom, one year short of a Journalism degree, just keeping my student loans out of default. Because I don't like being told what to write, I'm thinking about switching to political science to pursue a Juris Doctor. Except, the economy sucks and it's 90 miles one way to the only...
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