Recent content by ksavop

  1. ksavop

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Sorry, I had started another thread prior to finding this one. Trying to find out if these 8 week olds are pullets. Some have sex they are red sex links but was worried the lighter ones were roosters.
  2. ksavop

    Roosters or hens?

    I really hope they aren't roosters. They are pretty timid and don't seem "rooster like". However one of the red ones does seem a little "pushy"
  3. ksavop

    Roosters or hens?

    Well, two are lighter but I wouldn't call them white. One of them is shown in first picture.
  4. ksavop

    Roosters or hens?

    Some of the folks on this forum say they think they are red sex links and they are about 8 weeks old.
  5. ksavop

    Roosters or hens?

  6. ksavop

    Coop question

    Moving my girls out to the coop next weekend and am still trying to decide what the best bedding is for coop. How many of you use deep litter method? And if so how often do you clean out the coop? Would love to hear about other preferred methods as well.
  7. ksavop

    Any guesses?

    They were in a tub marked pullets. No breed was listed, so I asked. The young man said "I'm pretty sure they are buff orpingtons." Haha. I didn't really have a specific breed I wanted so I just went with it. Thanks for the feedback!!
  8. ksavop

    Any guesses?

    So they are hopefully all pullets ( which is how they were advertised) since they are sex linked, right??
  9. ksavop

    Any guesses?

    Hi, I have 6 week old ( roughly) chicks. We got them at ort local tractor supply and were told they were buff orpingtons, but I'm thinking they were mistaken. They were yellow as chicks but most are now turning red. any guesses??
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