Recent content by Kvidal1009

  1. Kvidal1009

    My chickens hate me!

    I have several that let me pick them up and several that run like a crazy chicken. I still try to socialize with them maybe one day will come around. Don't be afraid.
  2. Kvidal1009

    Sick copper maran

    I believe she may have been sick a week before I caught it just didn't know the symptoms.
  3. Kvidal1009

    Sick copper maran

    Mg not my but lol.
  4. Kvidal1009

    Sick copper maran

    No. We only have two vets that see chickens. I believe she has my but not sure. I don't know how long it takes for them to get well. She is looking and felling a lot better. I just don't know what to do never experienced this before so I don't know when she can go back to the pin. And don't...
  5. Kvidal1009

    Sick copper maran

    My chickens are all under 8 months old. They seem a little thin. But eating good. It has been so hot here I though the weight loss could be from the heat. No sighs of illness yet. They did hVe lice treated the pin and them too. Could mites cause problems.
  6. Kvidal1009

    Sick copper maran

    Why haven't any other chicken got sick. I thought this stuff would have gone through the flock by now.
  7. Kvidal1009


    Road island red, buff orpingtons copper marans barred Plymouth rock Cochin's and australorps
  8. Kvidal1009


    Here in southeast GA
  9. Kvidal1009

    Sick copper maran

    My chicken sweetpea had bubbles coming from her eyes sore throat dirraria. Took her to vet said most likely a respiratory infection contagious. Put her on antibiotics 7 days ago. Removed her from the rest of my flock then started the rest of flock on antibiotics. No other chickens sick as...
  10. Kvidal1009

    New to raising chickens

    I have been raising chickens since May of this year. All my chickens are 6 -8 months old I have 15 hens and 1 Rooster. 2 road island red :big red 2 australorp: matilda & myrtle 1 leghorn: ginger 2 buff orpingtons. Goldie & buttercup 2 barred plymouth rocks: clementine & carmaleta 2 black...
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